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Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers.”









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發表於 2017-7-23 23:18:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Explanation of intriguing Bible prophecies to be featuredJehovah’s Witnesses, best known for their house to house preaching activity and the distribution of the Watchtower and Awake magazines, will this weekend host their annual convention.According to the Witnesses, many people around the world recite a prayer asking for God’s Kingdom to come, yet they have little idea of what they are asking for.This convention will offer a clear and refreshing approach to the topic “Let God’s Kingdom Come!” The convention is scheduled to begin Friday morning at the National Park,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, Thomas Lands.It is the latest evidence of the Witnesses’ sharp focus on the Kingdom mentioned in the model prayer recorded at Matthew 6:9, 10.Throughout the years, Jehovah’s Witnesses have held conventions focusing on God’s Kingdom Government, carrying themes such as “Triumphant Kingdom,” “Divine Rulership,” “Kingdom Loyalty,” “Kingdom Truth,” “Kingdom Unity,” “Kingdom Increase,” and “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers.”The full title of the Witnesses’ official journal is The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. The official history of Jehovah’s Witnesses is recounted in the book Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom. Their houses of worship are known as Kingdom Halls,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, since the purpose of these buildings is to promote true worship and serve as a hub for the preaching of the “good news of the kingdom,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping,” as referred to by Jesus in the passage at Matthew 24:14.All of the Witnesses’ public gatherings focus primarily on the teachings of the Bible and its central message about the theme of Jesus’ ministry, namely, “the kingdom of God,” in harmony with the Biblical reference at Luke 4:43.To Jehovah’s Witnesses,Fernando Rodney Jersey, the Kingdom is a real government that will soon take action in favor of those subjecting themselves to it and against those who refuse. At this year’s convention,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the Witnesses will feature an explanation of intriguing Bible prophecies related to God’s Kingdom and how the Kingdom will bring permanent changes and blessings for those who love what is right.Jehovah’s Witnesses invite everyone to attend and learn more about these topics. All three days of the convention, the program sessions begin at 9:20 a.m.All convention sessions are open to the public and are free. No collection is ever taken. The official journal of Jehovah’s Witnesses is The Watchtower,Cheap Jerseys Free, which has a circulation of over 42,100,000 copies, in 188 languages.Jehovah’s Witnesses number over 7.5 million worldwide and function in 236 lands and territories.

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