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發表於 2017-7-24 02:12:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Central Mahaicony Perth Village Farmers Association (CMPVFA) is preparing to hold the first ever “farmers fair 2010”on November 27, at the Mahaicony Community Ground.The fair, which is being held as part of the Association’s anniversary celebrations,NFL Jerseys China Online, is expected to become an annual event.Top local artists such as Jory, and Mahindra Ramkellawan will be performing live. Fruits and vegetables, craft, fabrics and souvenirs will also be on display.The general objective of this event is to showcase the small-scale producers of Mahaicony and other nearby communities with specific emphasis on agriculture, both crops and livestock.Officials said that the fair will seek to expand production and marketing opportunities so as to increase and diversify incomes of resource poor producers through the publicity achieved in participating at the event.Agricultural Chairman of the East Coast Demerara Farmers’ Group, Steven Jones, has stated that,Cheap Jerseys Free, CMPVFA is an organisation representing crops and livestock farmers living in the Mahaicony villages on the East coast of Demerara in Region five. The group’s main economic activities are the production and marketing of agricultural products, such as vegetables and livestock.The Association’s mission is to serve the highest quality pigs as live animals,Throwback Jerseys, cut meats to customer specifications, and become the foremost specialty pork provider in Region Five, since recently the group has acquired market to produce 2,Cheap Sports Jerseys,000 lbs of pork weekly.To achieve this mission,Fernando Rodney Jersey, the CMPVFA will be working with the Ministry of Agriculture in making these dreams a reality. The project will assist the community group to improve its members’ competencies in market and enterprise development and the way they operate at each stage of the value-chain.To provide capacity-building support for the organisation so as to enable it to function more effectively in the best interests of its members, is another objective.Additional objectives for the event are to increase the market opportunities available to small rural men and women producers in the Mahaicony Community, increase the capacity of rural producers to efficiently and effectively produce and market non-traditional products and develop small-scale enterprises, form linkages and alliances between small producer groups,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, especially directed at increasing their productivity and increasing market access, increase access of small-scale rural men and women producers to financial and other capital and other services present at the event, build human and social and financial capacity at the farmers group and community and strengthen linkages between rural producers and service providers involved in the production and diversification efforts.

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