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Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping they have been rejected by their relatives









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FORT CANJE, BERBICE – The National Psychiatric Hospital at Fort Canje in Region Six is a source of concern to those close to it.Last week, a source close to the mental institution who requested anonymity, said that many things are needed in order for the facility to be able to function as it should and until then, both staff and residents would continue to be short changed.The Victoria BlockThere still is the need for a halfway home for rehabilitated residents. This home should be equipped with the necessary facilities to ensure a smooth transition back to society and occupants would be monitored by minimum staff.In so doing, the individuals would learn to be independent once again, gain employment and enjoy the freedom of being unsupervised. Years ago, the necessary recommendations were made but nothing materialised.While the health of some residents has improved, they have been rejected by their relatives,Jerseys From China, the source said, and their needs differ from those of the actual patients,Alex Bregman Jersey, “Once these people are at the ‘mental’ (National Psychiatric Hospital) there is a stigma attached and this could lead to another attack.”The spokesperson noted that a study done in the late 1990s revealed that over 80 percent of patients at that time had been at the institution for the greater part of their lives. There is also an open door policy for residents where many are free to roam the compound but must be under supervision whenever it is necessary to go outside of the National Psychiatric Hospital.According to the source, the National Psychiatric Hospital is home to some 144 residents, with 75 percent being men.“It is badly in need of specially trained and capable staff. Many of the present staff members have little training in this field. A new batch of nurses came a few weeks ago but they are not trained in the psychiatric field. Very few of the present staffers are properly trained. Training is usually done at Fort Canje with personnel from Georgetown.A section of the National Psychiatric Hospital Years ago,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, there were peace corps volunteers at the ‘mental’ but we no longer have them.”The spokesperson also indicated that there is one psychiatrist and two interns but there is need for another psychiatrist. A medical doctor visits once weekly and a full time Medex is stationed at the National Psychiatric Hospital as well as a social worker.On an annual basis a subvention is allocated to assist the facility, “The financial aspect is managed by the Region Six Administration. There was a Management Committee but its life ended years ago.”The source noted that the eight chalets at the facility are all in need of some form of maintenance. Some of them, though new need upgraded sanitary facilities. It is the hope that the architecture on the ‘Victoria Block’ would be preserved.The occupation therapy section was recently rehabilitated and functions in an average capacity but only offers service to residents of the National Psychiatric Hospital.In May last year,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, a patient in open ward went berserk and attacked five other patients, one of whom subsequently died. The spokesperson said that situation is now under control and that all potentially violent persons are placed in single rooms which are all more secured.Yesterday,NFL Jerseys Discount, another staff of the National Psychiatric Hospital said that a lot of attention was given to the facility last week especially in view of the Berbice Regional Health Authority’s seventh Award Ceremony,“They cleared the bush, slashed the compound and did a lot of general cleaning for the function but after the function things gone back to normal, they forget about us.There are not even adequate security guards in the compound, and no professional guards and at least one of them is deaf. Can you imagine a deaf guard working at the mental to protect us staff and the government’s property?”Last Friday when the Kaieteur News visited the National Psychiatric Hospital, Administrator Leila Clarke-Daniels declined to comment on many of the issues. However, she indicated that she is now back with the institution on a special contract which began two months ago.Mrs. Leila Clarke-Daniels retired in 2007. She said that many of the residents of the institution have been living there for more than 20 years while others come and go. Apart from psychiatric ailments, there are those affected by substance abuse, the youngest being 17. According to her,China Jerseys Cheap, the facility needs overall special attention

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