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發表於 2017-7-24 05:25:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-eight-year-old Raymond Etwaroo, of Alexander Village, was yesterday placed on $25,000 bail, after he was charged with allegedly stealing one DVD player from Bibi Ali, valued at $15,NFL Jerseys Outlet,000. The theft allegedly occurred on August 13.The virtual complainant, who is the defendant’s mother, was represented by Attorney–at-Law Vic Puran. The lawyer told the court that Etwaroo is a user of a prohibited substance. Puran said that his client is the mother of the accused and she still has the motherly love for her son.But the mother is begging the court to put her son in a rehabilitation centre. The woman said that she does not want her son to go to jail, but wants him to return to his normal self.The lawyer asked the magistrate to put the defendant on a bond, and for him to be placed into some form of drug rehabilitation. The accused was then placed on $25,000 bail by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson-Ogle.Also appearing before Magistrate Robertson-Ogle was 24-year-old Michael Amsterdam, who was placed on $5,000 bail after being charged with having an offensive weapon in his possession on September 5.It is alleged that the accused stole a quantity of water coconuts from the National Park valued at $500, and had in his possession an “ice pick”.The man pleaded not guilty to both charges. When Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson-Ogle asked whether he had anything to say, Amsterdam said that the National Park is a public place, and the last time he checked he was still part of the public.Amsterdam said that he did not steal the coconuts; the man said that the items were on the ground. He told the court that he proceeded to peel the coconuts and ate some, and the remainder he was planning to sell.The magistrate then placed the man on $5,000 bail for allegedly having in his possession an offensive weapon and for the other charge he was placed on self bail.Amsterdam then shouted in the court that he did not have any money to post bail. The matter is to reconvene on October 8.

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