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NFL Jerseys Cheap China









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發表於 2017-7-24 08:03:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The outcome of the Robert Simels witness tampering trial will have no bearing on the sentence to be imposed on self-confessed drug trafficker,Cheap Sports Jerseys, Guyanese Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan.While Simels awaits the jury’s verdict on his matter, Khan is awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty earlier this year to several counts of drug trafficking,Artemi Panarin Jersey, witness tampering and heading a criminal enterprise.Simels was initially representing Roger Khan in his trial up to the time he was indicted for attempting to neutralize witnesses in the case.Speaking to Kaieteur News by telephone from New York yesterday, Khan’s new lead attoney, Diurmuid White said that he does not believe that Khan’s matter has a stake in the Simels trial.“Whatever the outcome of the Simels’s trial it will not affect Khan,” the New York attorney stated,Throwback Jerseys, adding that his client remains in good spirits.The Simels trial has attracted a significant following,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, including Judge Dora Irizarry,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the presiding judge in the Roger Khan matter, who popped into the courtroom to hear some of the evidence.Khan’s legal team had requested an early sentencing date, which was tentatively set for November. According to White, the defence had requested a sentencing date sometime between September 14 and 21.However, while the Prosecution has no objection to the request, a definite date has not yet been set since the court official who is responsible for such matters is presently on vacation.Khan’s Pre-Sentencing Report has been completed and the two sides will make arguments before Judge Irizarry during the sentencing hearing. Both sides had no objections to the report which was prepared by the United States of America Probation Department.According to White, the report, which is confidential at this time,Cheap Jerseys From China, described the nature of the crime and provides a guide to aid the judge in coming up with an appropriate sentence.“It basically gives a background (of the accused), his employment record among other things to guide the judge in her sentencing,” Diurmuid White told Kaieteur News. Khan in pleading guilty had bargained for a 15-year sentence but it is still unclear if the judge will accept the plea deal.

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