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發表於 2017-7-24 12:47:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Even with the curriculum for the Guyana Mining School and Training Centre being developed with the assistance of the Canadian Executive Service Organization, 76 students have already benefitted from training.This is according to Robert Persaud, Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment,Jerseys From China, who said that the Introductory Level Training of Prospectors for the Extractive Industry includes Confined Space Entry (Awareness); Transportation of Dangerous Goods; and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.According to Persaud,Jerseys Cheap NFL, courses under the new curriculum will be delivered in three phases – short,Discount NFL Jerseys, medium and long term. They will be done at various locations in seminar and workshop formats.“The capacity of any given course will be no more than 50 persons at any given time. This is being done for greater supervision and an improved method of delivery of courses,Throwback Jerseys,” he said.He said that currently lecturers are being sourced locally and internationally. The school is working with two Canadian Educational and Training Institutions – College of the North Atlantic and the Marine Institute of Newfoundland – to have trained lecturers in both mining and oil and gas courses to work with local counterparts for delivery of effective courses to the local extractive industries.At a recent press conference,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, Joan Hamilton,Andy Pettitte Jersey, Consultant of a Canadian firm, said work is being done on the curriculum and it is expected to be completed‘ in two weeks.Hamilton’s firm was invited to help develop a strategic plan for the mining school and business plan and all required supporting tools.“When we build a strategy we like to step away…to get a bird’s eye view of what this organization would look like in five years’ time and envision how we would be acting different; what people would be saying about us; what would the press be saying about us and then we do a strategic analysis and then work on developing the strategy,Jerseys NFL Cheap,” she said.Hamilton related that the firm has come up with three strategic objectives for the plan. The first involves developing capacities and being in touch with the demands of extractive industry. This is to ensure the school will be meeting current and evolving needs.She added that the second objective is building relationship that is vital to the organization and stakeholders. The final objective is to ensure the school operates in accordance with ISO guidelines and meet the demands of the stakeholder environment.

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