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發表於 2017-7-24 12:57:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zena HenryAnger engulfed residents of the small East Bank Demerara community of Friendship yesterday afternoon, when the life of one of its youngest members was snuffed out by an alleged speeding driver. Twelve-year-old EzekielDillon listens as the driver recount the minutes before her son’s death.Murray also called ‘Sonny’, died on the spot after a canter truck slammed into him, and hurled his body some distance away, before running it over.It was just before sundown when the Lot 34 Friendship Public Road resident met his demise. The Friendship Secondary School student was about to cross the road when the “speeding” canter slammed into him.Eyewitnesses said that the driver is to be blamed since he failed to drive through the community at a moderate speed. The man was said to be overtaking a parked truck at the same time the child was about to cross the road.Residents, who saw the accident, said that after Murray was hit by the truck it threw him some distance away. And since the driver could not immediately stop, the canter ran over the young man. They said the child’s body rolled and tumbled several times under the vehicle as the front and back wheels ran him over.His mangled body was left lying in the center of the road where his friends, residents and family members gathered in disbelief. The young man sustained several visible injuries. His bones were visibly broken. Pieces of flesh and bone were spewed not far from the body, while blood streamed from a huge gash in his head.The obviously shaken driver who did not give his name, tried feverishly not to do anything that would further upset the ‘screaming and cussing’ crowd gathered on the scene. He told the police that he was overtaking,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, “a parked ready-mix truck,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey,” when the child appeared from nowhere.He said it was impossible to stop the vehicle in time to prevent it from running over the boy’s body. After the accident, the driver parked the truck a short distance away, before heading back to the scene to ascertain the extent of the damage caused.Angry residents were heard telling the driver,Bobby Orr Jersey, ‘look this road, look how small is this road ya’ll does be carrying on pon.” “Ya’ll ent fed up killing people.”Murray’s mother, Iris Dillon arrived on the scene after receiving word that her son was involved in an accident.This newspaper was unable to speak with the distraught woman. It was said that she left her home an hour before the accident occurred for her job as a security guard at the Supply Primary School. With a curious, but frightened look on her face,Nike NFL Jerseys China, the mother cautiously approached the body and raised the white sheet which covered it, to confirm her worst fears.She immediately dropped onto the roadway screaming,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, “Not my baby; no,Throwback Jerseys, no,Wholesale Jerseys From China, no, not Sonny.” After gaining some composure she sought to find out what caused her son to meet his demise. She then set out to find the driver and get his version of the story.She was heard asking the man, “You is de driver?” In a calm and submissive tone, with arms stretched forward she urged, “Is wha happen? You tell me. Is wha happen?” Traffic ranks eventually arrived on the scene and Murray’s body was placed in the tray of a van and taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre. His mother remained seated along the roadside refusing to leave the last place she saw her son.Murray is survived by five siblings and his parents. This newspaper understands that the boy was born in Trinidad and was expected to travel back there after spending some time in Guyana. He would have celebrated his 13th birthday in two weeks.Last January the Works Services Group (WSG),Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, a unit within the Public Works Ministry reported that road fatalities involving children had grown by a disturbing 40 percent in 2014. Already,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 28 road fatalities were recorded by the end of March this year.

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