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Wholesale Jerseys From China qqy2ql5q









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發表於 2017-7-24 15:02:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two new Chinese-made ferries are to be added to the Parika-Supenaam route,Wholesale Jerseys Group, considerably easing the current situation in the Essequibo area.Yesterday, Minister of Transport and Hydraulics,NFL Jerseys Supply, Robeson Benn, inked the contract with representative of the Chinese Delegation, Hung Shawen,Jerseys NFL Cheap, at the Office of the Prime Minister.PM Samuel Hinds,Jerseys From China, who witnessed the signing,Wholesale China Jerseys, said that Guyana is at present modifying the ferry landings at Parika and Supenaam to accommodate the roll-on/roll-off vessels.According to a government statement,Cheap Jerseys Online, Hinds noted that the stelling at Supenaam, Region Two has already been altered, but still needs a “few finishing touches”.The Prime Minister said that because of growing aquatic commerce and movement of people between Regions Two and Three, the ferries will provide greater capacity in place of speedboats.“The journey time will reduce so it will greatly convenience both productive and social activity.”Prime Minister Hinds added that Guyana looks forward to the arrival of the new river transport vessels at the earliest possible date even as work is being expedited in the modification of the wharfs.Chinese Ambassador, Zhang Jungao,Jerseys Cheap NFL, who was also present,Cheap NFL Jerseys, said that the Chinese Government has been examining the viability of the project for almost three years and views the signing of the contract as an important step in the acceleration process.The Ambassador is confident of a successful venture and expressed hope that the two vessels will be acquired promptly to serve the local people.The Chinese Government entered into an agreement last year to provide Guyana with the ferries.A roll-on/roll-off vessel allows for easier loading and off-loading since it directly connects to the stelling.Acquisition of the ferries will initiate the first phase of a plan to ‘retire’ existing vessels which have been in operation for over 70 years and which are costly to maintain.Over the period 2001 to 2005,Wholesale Jerseys, government said it spent approximately $2.4B to improve the services of the transport sector.

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