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發表於 2017-7-25 03:47:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Jamaican national who entered Guyana illegally to visit his daughter was yesterday ordered to be deported to Suriname, the port from which he unlawfully made his entrance into Guyana on July 23 last. The man,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Blake Thomas, was said to have entered the country via Springlands by boat.Particulars of the charge said that Thomas was not granted permission to stay in Guyana or to even enter the country; he further failed to present himself to an immigration officer or any immigration entity. The matter was called before Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge.Blake ThomasThe court prosecutor said that on the day in question,Cheap Jerseys Online, Thomas came to the country via boat and disembarked at Springlands before booking a room at the Secret Ville Hotel in Berbice. The facts continued that the defendant went to the immigration office and applied for a passport under the name of Troy Samuel Rockcliffe. It was however discovered that the information was false,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, and the man was detained.The prosecutor said that they would be filing for the deportation of the defendant who would be sent back to Suriname from where he came. Mention was also made about the false information that the man would have uttered to immigration staffers. The prosecution had even told the court that Thomas had signed on a declaration form declaring the false information he gave immigration ranks. The police however wished not to institute further charges on the defendant.The Chief Magistrate after asking the defendant his purpose in Guyana,Jerseys NFL Cheap, heard that the man had come to visit his daughter. That was further verified when the mother of his child stood to confirm the information. Thomas was told that the police had applied for him to be deported out of Guyana. That was granted, but the court advised Thomas that though he is scheduled to be deported,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, if he wishes to stay in Guyana he could apply to the Commissioner of Police who could in turn use his discretion and opt to have him remain in the country.It was further advised that the police head could however choose to follow the court’s order and have the defendant deported. Either way Thomas was told that the decision would lie with the high ranking official.The defendant was later ordered to pay a $30,Throwback Jerseys,000 fine or spend the next three months imprisonment.

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