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發表於 2017-7-25 07:55:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The four minibus drivers who were detained and subsequently placed on bail on Tuesday at the Providence Police Station were simply warned and discharged. They appeared in court yesterday at the Providence Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Leslie Sobers.The four men, 70-year-old Steven Grant, of 322 One Mile Wismar, Linden; Rudolph Reid, 51, of  1225 Amelia’s Ward,Bobby Orr Jersey, Linden; Lincoln Reece,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, 32, of 558 Retrieve, Linden; and William Denny,Evan Engram Jersey, 54,Jerseys From China, of 2463 Amelia’s Ward, Linden, were represented by attorney-at-law Llewellyn John.It is alleged that the men were on December 6, last, driving their respective minibus without conductors. The men pleaded guilty. They each however explained that they were hired to bring supporters for A Partnership for National Unity to Georgetown to be a part of a protest.The busloads of APNU supporters were left stranded for hours after police at Providence on the East Bank of Demerara detained the drivers.Initial reports are that around 11:00 hrs, the 32-seater vehicles were approaching the Providence Police Station when a traffic rank identified as Lance Corporal James, signaled one of the minibuses (BKK 564) to stop.The other vehicles (BMM 2022) continued along their way but were shortly “pulled over” by ranks in a police pick-up (PKK 742) as they were nearing the Princess Hotel on the same thoroughfare.Passengers of these vehicles,Throwback Jerseys, who were decked out with their green APNU T-shirts and carried APNU posters,Cheap Jerseys Online, assumed that the buses were stopped for a routine check. They were in for a rude awakening.The drivers of the minibuses were detained and subsequently released on bail.According to some passengers of BKK 564, Lance Corporal James instructed their driver to produce some documents, after which he was further instructed to enter the Providence Police Station.The driver parked the vehicle in the station compound and complied with the police request. His passengers were not aware of what was happening inside of the station but after an hour passed and the driver did not return they became concerned and subsequently concluded that something was amiss.

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