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Vehicle owners not living in the city and fearing long lines at the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) now have the option of using the out-of-town offices to conduct business.Motor vehicle owners within Georgetown and its environs will continue to access motor vehicle related services at the GRA’s headquarters at Camp Street.According to GRA,China Jerseys Cheap, effective immediately, all its Regional Integrated Tax Offices will start offering examinations of vehicles for purposes of registration,Cheap Sports Jerseys, transfers, change of use, colour, change of registration and duplicate registration.“Other services that would be offered include issuance of Motor Vehicle Licences for Yellow Cabs and enclosed goods vehicles. Motor vehicles owners within Georgetown and its environs will continue to access these services at the GRA Headquarters at 200-201 Camp Street,” the authority said yesterday.The offices include Linden in Region 10; Corriverton and New Amsterdam in Region Six; Parika in Region Three; Lethem in Region Nine; Bartica in Region Seven and Anna Regina, Region Two.According to GRA,NFL Jerseys From China, the measures were introduced in the “interest of providing convenience for the public in the processing of motor vehicle related transactions…”Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur said that motor vehicle owners within Georgetown and its environs will continue to access these services at the GRA’s headquarters at Camp Street.“There has been notable improvement in the time taken for persons to renew their Motor Vehicle Licences and to conduct other business with the agency following the consolidation of all of GRA’s Georgetown operations; and the agency is anticipating a similar customer service experience in the regions.”Several of GRA’s offices,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, including Customs,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Licence Revenue Office and its administrative arm were moved to the Camp Street building which was once owned by CLICO. That building was later transferred to the National Insurance Scheme, which is renting the building to GRA.The consolidation of the GRA offices was done to reduce overhead costs, Government had said.Up to recently, the Camp Street headquarters was processing the registration of vehicles,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, with examinations continuing to take place at the Smyth Street office where the Licence Revenue Office was housed until earlier this year.

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