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Teachers in Kwakwani,Giovani Dos Santos Jersey, Region Ten, will be the primary targets for upgrade at a training seminar this week. The seminar is being undertaken through the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) in collaboration with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF).The seminar which commenced yesterday at the Kwakwani Secondary School will span a period of two weeks – from July 13 to July 24, 2015.According to GTU President,Neven Subotic Dortmund Shirts, Mark Lyte, the support from CTF is an annual feature catering to hinterland teachers who usually do not have access to programmes that can help to elevate their teaching capabilities.While various hinterland communities are the target, Lyte said that teachers in the Kwakwani area and those within proximity were identified for training this year.  Teachers who hail from the riverain locations will be accommodated at the Kwakwani Secondary school dormitory, Lyte said.Training sessions,Claudio Suarez Mexico Jersey, he said, will be undertaken by six tutors from Canada who arrived in Guyana last week and travelled to the Kwakwani area on Friday last. Local tutors drawn from the GTU will support the efforts of their Canadian counterparts.“We are expecting over 100 teachers to attend this workshop,” said the GTU President who is optimistic that “our teachers who are starved of upgrading because of where they are located will be provided an opportunity for the necessary boost that they need to aid their delivery of education to the nation’s children.”Last year the workshop, which was held in Region Nine,Luis Hernandez Mexico Jersey, attracted more than 140 teachers.“This programme is intended to serve the teachers who may not otherwise get the opportunity to access CPCE (Cyril Potter College of Education) programmes. In many of those areas (hinterland) there are untrained teachers who are therefore less qualified than teachers on the coastland,” explained Lyte.While many years ago teachers were given credit for participating in programmes thereby allowing them to be afforded an upgraded status, Lyte noted that that is no longer a feature that is endorsed by the Ministry of Education.“We are hoping that somewhere along the line the Ministry will again see that as important as they (such programmes) can serve to enhance teachers and their efficiency in terms of the teaching/learning process,” added Lyte.Among the primary focus of the ongoing workshop will be Mathematics,Gerard Pique Barcelona Jersey, English, Guidance and Counselling, among others,Francisco Rodriguez Jersey, said Lyte.“These are all areas that we feel are of importance to our teachers,” informed the GTU President as he disclosed that the Union’s partnership with CTF has been in existence for more than two decades.Support from the Ministry of Education towards this cause has usually been in the form of Regional contributions such as transportation and permission to utilise schools and dormitories,Ezequiel Lavezzi Argentina Jersey, according to Lyte.

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