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Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey of Soesdyke









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發表於 2017-7-26 14:11:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two brothers faced multiple charges on Monday following last Thursday’s accident which claimed the lives of Denzel Thomas and Quincy David at New Hope, East Bank Demerara.One brother is accused of driving while unlicenced and causing the death of his two passengers, while the other is charged with permitting his sibling to be at the wheel of the vehicle when it crashed.Both siblings were in the car when the tragedy occurred.Curtis Peters, a 35-year-old miner of Adams Road, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, was charged with two counts of causing death by dangerous driving when he appeared before Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty at the Providence Magistrate’s Court.It is alleged that on April 4 last, on the New Hope, East Bank Demerara Public Road, he drove a motor car in a dangerous manner causing the death of Denzel Thomas. It is also alleged that on the same day he drove the said motor car in a dangerous manner causing the death of Quincy David.The charges were indictable and the accused was not required to enter pleas. He was placed on $350,000 bail.It is also alleged that on April 4 last,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, at the New Hope Public Road,Cheap Sports Jerseys, East Bank Demerara, he drove a motor car without being the holder of a valid driver’s licence, and on the same day,Cheap Jerseys From China, drove the said motor car while not being a policy holder of insurance and provided a police officer with false information knowing same to be false.To these charges Peters pleaded not guilty, and was placed on a further $50,000 bail.Meanwhile, Peters’ brother, Deon Wilson, also of Adams Road, Soesdyke, was yesterday charged with permitting a breach of insurance, permitting unlicenced driving and providing false information to the police.The charge states that on April 4 at the New Hope Public Road, East Bank Demerara, being the registered owner of a motor car, PFF 284,Cheap Jerseys Free, Wilson, an electrician, permitted his sibling, Curtis Peters, to use the same vehicle, although Peters was not a policy holder with respect to a third party insurance policy.Wilson was also charged with providing false information to a police officer. To all the charges Wilson pleaded not guilty. He was placed on $50,000 bail.Curtis Peters was represented by Attorney-at-Law Roger Yearwood, who, in his bail application, told the court that it was indeed unfortunate that lives were lost.He noted that his client was not a flight risk, while adding that the offense (causing death by dangerous driving) is a bailable one. However, Prosecutor Shellon Daniels requested that conditions be set for bail, and Peters was asked to lodge his passport. He will return to court on May 9.Denzel Thomas, 24, of Coverden, East Bank Demerara and Quincy David, 21,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, were killed when the car in which they were travelling slammed into the base of a utility pole at New Hope, after swerving off the East Bank Demerara public road.Quincy David was employed at the Bounty Supermarket outlet at Grove, East Bank Demerara, while Thomas operated a shop at Coverden.A third passenger, 16-year-old Amanda Lloyd,Throwback Jerseys, of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, sustained minor injuries.Curtis Peters and Deon Wilson reportedly escaped with minor injuries.

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