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發表於 2017-7-26 14:16:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As she noted that women, girls and seniors suffer the most when crises hit, Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence yesterday underscored the need for more funding as imperative if the needs of these vulnerable groups are to be adequately addressed.Social Protection Minister, Volda Lawrence during her addressThe Social Protection Minister stated, too, that an aggressive approach was needed if girls and women are to be safe since they face the greater risk of abuse, violence and sexual exploitation in times of disaster. She has committed to seek funding from government to adequately address the issues affecting these vulnerable groups.The Minister’s comments came as she delivered the feature address during a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) forum held yesterday at Cara Lodge, Quamina Street, Georgetown in commemoration of World Population Day.In attendance were First Lady, Sandra Granger; UNFPA Assistant Representative, Patrice La Fleur and Programme Officer, Bhagwandai Persaud-Giddings; representatives from Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and other dignitaries.World Populations Day was celebrated, this year, on July 11 under the theme “Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies,” with specific focus being given to the need of vulnerable groups, including women and girls within disaster management programmes.As she delivered the keynote address, Minister Lawrence said that this year’s theme was a brilliant reminder that focus must be given to gender issues. Stringent efforts must be made to tackle the problems that beset women, girls and seniors, she added.UNFPA Assistant Representative, Patrice La Fleur, First Lady,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, Sandra Granger; Social Protection Minister, Volda Lawrence and UNFPA Programme Officer, Bhagwandai Persaud-Giddings (From L to R)Lawrence emphasized the need for efforts to be redoubled for the safety and well-being of the women, girls and seniors. “During emergencies and natural disasters, they (women and girls) face the greater risk of abuse, violence and sexual exploitation in most parts of the world.In the aftermath, too, they are the ones who have to struggle to overcome obstacles,Fernando Rodney Jersey, who have to cater for the needs of their children,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, their elderly parents and relatives, the injured.”The Minister said that women are saddled with the burden of reconstructing their lives and in most instances, are without the mechanisms to deal with it or to provide relevant assistance. Further, Lawrence drew a parallel with the flash floods that overwhelmed the coastal region last week stating “It was our women folk who bore the brunt in the aftermath.”“The bailing of water from their homes and subsequent sanitization, their traipsing through the waters to acquire food for their children and extended families, their exposure to possible infection as some washed or moved around in sewage waters clearly underscores the need for readiness packages such as water, food, medication and access to shelter,” said Lawrence.The Minister said these are the special needs that cannot be overlooked if adequate relief will be brought in times of disaster. This,Cheap Jerseys Free, she said, has implications for the amount of money earmarked for such a response.“It is obvious that our budget allocations in this area are inadequate and if we wish to satisfy the demands of those misplaced, then more funds have to be set aside and more groups have to intervene to remedy the situation,” Lawrence remarked.“The scenario appears overwhelming but these are the humanitarian emergencies that we must address and we must address as a nation,” continued Lawrence. The Social Protection Minister said that the response needs to be aggressive even as the Ministry is confronted with “chilling stories” daily.According to her, however, the response is hampered by the inadequacy of funds. The Ministry’s resources need to be upped substantially and the Minister said she will be “keeping very close” to the Finance Minister as she continues to advocate for adequate funding.Meanwhile, UNFPA Assistant Representative, Patrice La Fleur noted that the observance took place at a time when Guyana faced a disaster in form of the flood in certain regions including the capital city, Georgetown.La Fleur remarked that disasters, like flooding, storms, earthquakes and hurricanes, occur around the world yet “it is expected that nations and the population need to be prepared to respond and take care of its people, including the vulnerable.”Citing a recent United Nations (UN) report, the Assistant Representative disclosed that globally the number of forcibly displaced people has risen to record number,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, almost 60 million at the end of 2014 but among them “Most women and adolescent girls face particular threats as a result of the absence of health and other essential services.”La Fleur intimated that UNFPA, the agency charged with the responsibility for the reproductive health of people, recognizes that during emergencies women and girls’ vulnerabilities are often exacerbated.“They face a much greater risk of abuse, sexual exploitation and violence, and reproductive health related illnesses which could lead to death if social protection systems and basic services are not provided to address their needs.”Besides, she noted, during protracted emergencies lack of access to voluntary family planning could lead to high risks of unintended pregnancy and greater health risks for pregnant women. “We need to ensure that pregnancy happens by choice and not by chance and that all women who are expecting a baby are able to give birth safely.”The UNFPA Assistant Representative told the gathering that during emergencies pregnant woman, nursing mothers and menstruating women and girls require nourishing foods and hygiene supplies but these needs are often overlooked.For the UNFPA, however, these are essentials that must be taken into consideration in disaster mitigation plans, the Assistant Representative insisted. “We need to preserve the dignity, safety and reproductive health of all women and girls at all times. Adolescent and youth are also particularly vulnerable during disasters,” said La Fleur.The UNFPA Assistant Representative said global estimates indicated that in humanitarian situations, one in five women and adolescent girls are likely to become pregnant. “During natural and manmade humanitarian emergencies family and social structures may be disrupted as we have seen here over the recent days.”La Fleur said some may be taken to shelters and formal and informal programmes and social networks may be disrupted. She said adolescents may feel “fearful, stressed, bored or idle” and may find themselves in risky situations that they are not prepared to deal with and may have to take on adulthood without preparation.UNFPA works closely with Governments, United Nations (UN) system, local partners and others on disaster preparedness and according to La Fleur in Guyana they have been working closely with the Civil Defence Commission (CDC).The UNFPA Assistant Representative called on the international community and stakeholders to redouble efforts to protect the health and right of girls and women.“We must enable women, adolescent girls and young people to play their full role in all aspects of disaster mitigation and response and ensure that governments comply with international law and bring perpetrators of sexual violence to justice. By prioritizing health, rights and with full participation of women, adolescent girls and young people in public life will increase our prospects for a more just, stable and peaceful world,” said La Fleur.First Lady, Sandra Granger,China Jerseys Cheap, called for seniors to be included when discussions focus on the vulnerable and on emergencies. She stressed the importance of them being a focus of any plan to address society’s most vulnerable.

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