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發表於 2017-7-26 16:41:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bridging the gap between the coastland and the hinterlands through voluntary service is the Eiripan organization, which began its 10th annual outreach journey in the North Rupununi Region on Friday.The programme will be providing gifts, rewards for academic achievements,Mariano Andujar Jersey, stationary supplies and basic utensils for children in more than 13 villages over a four-day period. Some of the villages Eiripan will be visiting include Surama, Annai, Kwaimatta,Custom Argentina Soccer Jersey, Fairview, Yupukari among others.Also, travelling into the treacherous and beautiful region to deliver approximately 600 books and 35 gifts to over 300 schools are 12 local and foreign volunteers. This marks Eiripan’s tenth consecutive venture into the North Rupununi Region for such a project.Volunteers packing supplies for Eiripan outreach projectMelanie McTurk,Marcos Rojo Jersey, organizer of the project, said that since its inception the initiative has grown in both recognition and results.  She explained that Eiripan, which is Makushi for “to share”,Layvin Kurzawa Jersey, began as a friendly society when she and her husband lived in the region.“My husband and I were aware of the challenges that were faced by the communities in the area,Marco Delgado Jersey,” said McTurk, “and we believe that toys and playtime are important to the development of an individual’s psyche”.At the time, McTurk explained that many of the children were unable to access the same amenities that children on the coast had. The couple’s first project was done in the village of Kwaimatta, when they asked friends and family from the coastland to donate child friendly toys and books.The initiative eventually evolved to include educational equipment which was implemented into the region’s schools. After seeing the project’s positive response the couple decided to become more organized and expand their reach.As the years went by, the couple branched out to other villages, garnering more volunteers along the way. Eiripan even managed to receive corporate support from companies like Edward B. Beharry Ltd, NT Computeac and Demerara Distillers Limited.Throughout the years,Bernd Leno Germany Jersey, McTurk reiterated that every time Eiripan visits a village the body encourages children to continue their academic pursuits. She explained that the project continually rewards academic achievers in the various schools of the area.The group also reassured that each child in every village receives a unique gift, which is specially suited for him. This is done through a system called “Angel Cards”, and operates as a wish list system for the children.Children who are registered in the community clinic are included on the list, which is distributed to collaborators of Eiripan. Businesses would have these lists displayed at their establishment where customers or employees can choose to buy a gift for a specific child.“Each child is guaranteed a gift through the Angel Card process,” related McTurk. “We also have extra gifts just in case a child didn’t make it on the list.” She said that the project promotes the child registration in local health centers.However, a project this expansive is not always easy to pull off. The organizer added that the Eiripan project has had its difficulties throughout the years. Transportation, meeting deadlines and organizational hiccups were among the problems.Despite such hardships, McTurk said that the results were worth it. Since starting the project, she has seen an increase in the overall academic performances from students, along with a heightened interest in the Rupununi from citizens on the coast.Leanna Sukha, a five-year volunteer with the project, can testify to the heightened interest in the Rupununi. She has noticed that many people from the coast want to learn more about the hinterland region.Enthusiastic about venturing into a part of Guyana rarely seen,Jesus Navas Jersey, is Canadian volunteer, Danielle Spark, who is stationed here as part of CUSO International’s volunteer programme. Sparks said that she joined the Eiripan project because it seemed like a way to reach further communities and see more of Guyana.“Back home I did similar outreach projects in my community but nothing anywhere near this big,” related Sparks.

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