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NFL Jerseys From China Dr Ashni Singh









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發表於 2017-7-27 00:01:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… $201M unaccounted advancesHead of State, President Bharrat Jagdeo, has ordered that delinquent officials who have received conference advances and have not cleared these with the Finance Ministry are to comply within a month or their names will be published.The President made the disclosure yesterday during a press briefing at the Office of the President.He said that he had instructed Finance Minister,Fernando Rodney Jersey, Dr Ashni Singh, to write to the officials who have not cleared their advances.He said that the directive is that, “unless you clear in a month we are going to publish all the names in the newspaper.”According to Jagdeo, some of the officials have charged that they have cleared their advances and that they have documentation to prove it but it, “is just paper work.”Jagdeo is of the opinion that if that was the case then they should reconcile it with the Accountant General.Following reports in this publication as it relates to uncleared monies handed over to officials as conference advances, and the fact that they have not been presenting the necessary documentation to account for how it was spent,Cheap Jerseys Free, this newspaper has been reliably informed that some have started to submit.The figures for 2008 featured 117 advances to the tune of $29M,NFL Jerseys Cheap, bringing the total uncleared advances to some $201M.According to the 2006 Auditor General report, “Conference Advances continued to be uncleared long after they have been granted.”It was pointed out that at the time of that audit, in March 2007, there were 377 advances totaling $91.1M for the years 2003 to 2005 that remained uncleared.The issue recently took centre stage on the agenda of the Public Accounts Committee during scrutiny of the 2006 Auditor General’s report.During 2006, according to the Conference Advances Register,NFL Jerseys From China, amounts totaling $180.103M were expended on 287 overseas conferences and official visits, of which 131 advances totaling $57.603M remained outstanding at the time of reporting.The Ministry at that time had stated that while some of the recipients were tardy in clearing their advances, others had submitted documentation to clear their advances, but due to the Department’s staffing situation,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, there were delays.It was further stated that the delinquent officers were written to,NFL Jerseys China Online, requesting them to submit documentation to clear their advances.

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