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發表於 2017-7-27 03:33:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A cook and two carpenters are in custody as detectives continue to look for the killers of UK-based George Cadogan,Custom Raptors Jersey, who was found bound and strangled in his D’Urban Backlands home on Thursday evening.Police said that the three were detained on Friday.An official told Kaieteur News that investigators were “working on some things”,NFL Jerseys Discount, but declined to say whether they have found any evidence to implicate any of the suspects.Kaieteur News understands that the cook was employed by Cadogan,Throwback Jerseys, while the 77-year-old man had recently hired the carpenters to conduct renovations at his home.Relatives said that on the day the body was found, the carpenters failed to turn up to complete renovations to the Lot 180 Century Palm Road, D’Urban Backlands premises. One theory is that the killers gained entry through a broken window that was covered with plywood.Cadogan was found lying on the floor in one of the bedrooms. His limbs were bound with strips of cloth while a rag was stuffed into his mouth. An autopsy confirmed that he died from strangulation.A kitchen knife was near the body but the corpse bore no visible marks of violence.The spacious two-storey house was ransacked and there are reports that a laptop computer and two cell phones were missing. Police said that the items have not been recovered.The victim was the only occupant of the home.It is believed that Cadogan was slain sometime between Thursday night and yesterday morning.Relatives said that Cadogan, who fathered five children,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, was a retired solicitor who resided in England.A niece told Kaieteur News that her elderly uncle had suffered a stroke and returned to Guyana sometime last December to escape from the cold English weather.According to the niece, Cadogan had lunch with a nephew last Sunday and a relative spoke to him by telephone at around 18:00 hrs on Wednesday.On Thursday morning,Wholesale China Jerseys, a nephew went to Cadogan’s home to give him a papaw, but left after calling and getting no answer.Around 17:00 hrs that same day, another male relative returned and again got no answer after calling repeatedly for his uncle. The relative then observed that the plywood that had covered the broken window at the front of the bottom flat had come loose.The relative said that he entered the house and eventually found Cadogan’s bound body on the floor in a back bedroom.Relatives said that the victim’s wife and two of his children, who live in the UK,Cheap Jerseys Supply, arrived in Guyana on Friday.

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