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Cheap Jerseys From China a route 48 driver









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發表於 2017-7-27 05:19:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Many minibus drivers are now calling on the Guyana Police Force, Traffic Department to fix an ever growing issue of congestion within the Stabroek Market area.Mark Hendricks,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, a route 40 (Kitty/Campbellville) minibus driver said that the park is a scene of “epic” confusion during the peak periods. “You does see things like bus drivers boring to get in front of the line and if pedestrians lucky, them would get pull and tug by conductors them.Hendricks added that this is an “every day” episode which sometimes results in “brutal” fights among drivers and conductors who wrestle for passengers. “Fighting for passengers is a prime issue. Police locking them up don’t even solve the situation because when they get release from the lock-ups they back on the road clashing again,Artemi Panarin Jersey,” Hendricks added.The driver who has worked in Stabroek Market area for the past 10 years announced that if the issue is not resolved he will be forced to remove from the park and return to his former trade as taxi driver.Keith Matthews, a route 48 driver,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, said that the route has suffered a drastic drop of commuters due to the fact that the long line of route 40 buses block what was once the point of exit of the park.“When the peak reach is a set of confusion on this park because everybody rushing for the front of the line and when we got to come out is another issue because when we buses filled passengers got to wait till the line clear up,” Matthews added.Another driver of the route 40 district Chandranauth Ramsammy believed that the problem derived from “newcomers” who targets younger passengers in order to quickly fill minibuses and speed off before the police catch them.“Right now is all the ‘Bull’ them taking all the passengers. Instead they wait in the line like everyone else they rush to the front and full them buses”, Ramsammy said. Another issue raised by Ramsammy is the constant “harassment” by police patrols who charge drivers for picking up commuters on the hotplate.When asked if he ever raised his plight with the Minibus Association Union, the annoyed bus driver said that the issue was brought to the attention of the committee about two years ago but they have not received any response.According to the president of the minibus association, Eon Andrews, he was aware of the issue. “When meetings are called the same minibus drivers don’t show up, because money is more important. The union has recognized the issue and has advocated for a solution but if we get no support where are we heading?”Andrews said that his union had written to Traffic Chief, Hugh Denhert in February but was told that he had travelled abroad to a conference. Andrews has since not received a response.Andrews added, “People nowadays have this perception that minibuses are a money making investment but what we have now is a culture of greed, unconcerned and unmanly drivers who speak and treat passengers in an inappropriate manner”.When asked about the route 48 (Sophia) buses,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, he welcomed the idea of having the park relocated but questioned the actions of the relevant authorities. “Everyone wants a solution to the problem but no one wants to bell the cat. We will continue to advocate for a solution,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping,” Andrews assured.Traffic Chief, Denhert said, “The police have no authority over how many buses operate on the Stabroek Market. The problem is that we have too many buses on the road today. There is nothing much we can do as a department to fix the issue,Throwback Jerseys, except maintain law and order and enforce rules and regulations.”

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