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Book: Internet Law by Cleland Thom Reviewer: Margaret FechtmannCleland Thom, one of U.K.’s leading internet law consultants and trainers, provides a short and concise reference guide for journalists,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, bloggers, web writers, masters, editors; social media users, public relations and communications personnel.For each of the major internet media such as Twitter, Facebook, search engines, message boards, website content, etc., he offers a brief overview for specific risk areas and laws.The advent of the internet, and specifically social media, brings news, commentary,Discount NFL Jerseys, and sometimes nonsense to us all, 24/7. Be it Supreme Court rulings or keeping up with the Kardashians.Interestingly, with the birth of the heir to the British throne, the news was primarily relayed to the world via Twitter. At the same time, the crown followed the rich tradition of having a Kensington Palace staffer step outside the hospital and hand an envelope to someone from the royal household, who then delivered the birth announcement to the Palace where it was placed on an easel. Yet, we were right in assuming that an Instagram photo was shared around the Commonwealth.Be it in government, publishing or commerce, the printed word has historically been mired in delays awaiting legal approval, in order to ensure protection from, or at least mitigating the possibility of, legal ramifications.But the freedom of unfiltered “posting” opens up a world of problems that can be ripe for lawsuits. Universally, there is tremendous ignorance of internet law.And while the postings and commentary can be viewed globally,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, the legal implication of improper use is determined by country-specific laws that are not recognised globally.Notably, there are some 1.1 billion Facebook users (that is 10% of the world’s population); 500 million people on Twitter and 216 million using Tumblr. Those numbers are staggering and growing each day.In a Guardian article dated January 2013, UK reporter Henry McDonald noted that the decision of Google, Facebook and Twitter to establish their European bases in Dublin, has opened the internet giants up to EU defamation and privacy laws like never before.The world’s biggest search engine and the social networks’ presence in Ireland will also enable lawyers in the EU, like the US,Wholesale Jerseys, to sue the companies on behalf of clients abused by anonymous bloggers and tweeters.This is digital globalization unfiltered. As Mr. Thom states in his book, previously “take down” notices were largely ignored by the likes of Google,Jerseys Cheap NFL, who is based in Seattle, and could have sought cover behind the American constitution. But no longer.In Mr. Thom’s guide, he outlines the internet actions that can set the digital “journalist” up for risk of defamation,Wholesale Jerseys, harassment, libel and copyright infringement.He cites the many laws that have been enacted to protect the public, including the Data Protection Act of 1998; the Trademark Act of 1994; and the Copyright Act of 1998.He references enforcement and punishment imposed as in the case of the Serious Crime Act of 2007,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, where a group was jailed for inciting disorder with internet postings during the riots in England.And there is the Computer Misuse Act, which makes it illegal to hack someone’s Facebook or any other social media account.That these laws will be vigorously enforced is left to be seen.Included in the guide are also five pages of helpful tips to bolster your privacy that include blocking mechanisms and scrubbing tools to clean your wall.Actionable steps, such as setting privacy settings to “only me” are also detailed.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the reality is that social media is used for more than sharing of informationThe ever-present ‘Big Brother’ is always following your keystrokes,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, good and bad.Further, there are thought-provoking questions about search engines; for example, are they merely facilitators or are they publishers?A 2012 case in an Australia court found Google to be a publisher and therefore legally responsible for their search engine results.And in the closing segments of this guide, Mr. Thom includes important reminders regarding guidance for protecting journalists’ sources in the digital world.For journalists in particular, it is imperative to remember the power and exposure of voicemail and email. A quick and helpful read, Mr. Thom’s Internet Law Guide is a good reference tool for digital professionals and laypersons alike.Now I have got to stop for a quick look at my Facebook account. There could just be something meaningful that happened while I was away from my computer.(Margaret Fechtmann is a reviewer at Caribbean Literary Guild)Feedback: [email protected] Internet Law by Cleland Thom, 2013 Publisher: CTJT Available: amazon.com/Amazon Digital Services, Inc. ASIN: B00B87QZQC Rating: Highly recommended

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