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發表於 2016-11-30 03:56:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Los Angeles glam-metal jokesters STEEL PANTHER have posted a musical response to Kanye West following the rapper's unexpected appearance onstage this year's Grammy Awards, accusing him of sounding like everything from "hamster turds" to "a donkey fart." They also referenced KISS frontman Paul Stanley's comment about West, saying that "Beck should kick you in the nuts with steel-toed boots." The one-minute tune, which can be heard below, concludes with STEEL PANTHER's "Michael Starr singing: "You're friggin' hypocritical. I hope you get the cancer on your Johnson and your testicles."West came up onstage during Grammy Awards when Beck's "Morning Phase" was announced as the surprise winner of "Album Of The Year." Although many at first assumed West was jokingly re-enacting his storming of the stage when Taylor Swift won a few years back, the hip-hop star later blasted the Grammys in a rant in which he suggested that Beck should have given his award to Beyonce.According to The Pulse Of Radio,MLB Jerseys China, Beck told Us Weekly, "I was just so excited he was coming up. He deserves to be on stage as much as anybody. How many great records has he put out in the last five years,Wholesale China Jerseys, right?" As for beating out Beyonce for the award, Beck added,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, "I thought she was going to win. Come on,wholesale nfl jerseys, she's Beyonce!"Beck was nominated for "Album Of The Year" twice before, in 1997 for "Odelay" and 2001 for "Midnite Vultures", and lost both times.West said after the ceremony, "I just know that the Grammys, if they want real artists to keep coming back,Cheap Authentic China Jerseys Wholesale, they need to stop playing with us. We ain't gonna play with them no more… and Beck needs to respect artistry and he should've given his award to Beyonce."West didn't back down,NBA Jerseys Cheap, saying on Monday morning (February 9), "Beck knows Beyonce should have won… I love Beck. But he ain't have album of the year."According to The Pulse Of Radio,Cheap Jerseys Store, GARBAGE singer Shirley Manson weighed in on the issue with an open letter to Kanye on Monday, in which she wrote, "It is YOU who is so busy disrespecting artistry. You disrespect your own remarkable talents and more importantly you disrespect the talent,Wholesale Jerseys Store, hard work and tenacity of all artists when you go so rudely and savagely after such an accomplished and humble artist like Beck."Manson continued, "You make yourself look small and petty and spoilt. In attempting to reduce the importance of one great talent over another, you make a mockery of all musicians and music from every genre,cheap jerseys from china, including your own. Grow up and stop throwing your toys around."Post by Steel Panther.

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