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Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey APNU









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發表於 2017-7-27 19:54:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC) Raphael Trotman was yesterday elected Speaker of the National Assembly for Guyana’s 10th Parliament and A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Deborah Backer was elected unchallenged as his Deputy.The election for Speaker was initially contested by Former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran, Trotman and Backer.Newly elected Speaker Raphael Trotman takes his seat in the National Assembly.Backer’s nomination was subsequently withdrawn; paving the way for a faceoff between Trotman and Ramkarran with the votes split along the 33 seat majority for the combined opposition and the ruling PPP/C. Trotman was nominated by his running mate,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, AFC Chairman and Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan and was seconded by Moses Nagamootoo.Nagamootoo is the crossover member to the AFC after serving some 50 years with the ruling Peoples Progressive Party, and up to the close of the 9th Parliament had occupied a seat in the House on its slate.Nagamootoo had also been the initial proposed candidate for Speaker of the National Assembly by the AFC but this did not find favour with APNU.Ramkarran, who lost the election by one vote to the AFC Leader, was nominated by Leader of the Government side in the National Assembly Samuel Hinds and was seconded by Clement James Rohee, the Minister of Home Affairs.Following the election of Speaker,Artemi Panarin Jersey, Trotman presided over the election of Deputy Speaker.Backer was again nominated for this position but was unchallenged and as such unanimously elected Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.The remaining members of the House were subsequently sworn in.Trotman in brief remarks to the House, first extended appreciation to those who supported him over the last few weeks, pointing out that “the confidence reposed in me will not be misplaced. I promise to serve everyone as faithfully as I can and according to the oath that I took.”Even as he recognized the new Members of Parliament, returning members and the other candidates who were nominated for the speakership, he urged that efforts be made to work cooperatively, diligently and maturely and that all partisan ways be put aside.Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, in commending the Speaker of the House, alluded to the fact while the Speaker nominated by the Minority Government was not acceded to, it is his expectation that even-handedness will be evident. He also encouraged the House to “let’s get on with the business of the people in this 10th Parliament.”Regarding yesterday’s special sitting as an historic occasion, APNU’s Presidential Candidate, David Granger pointed out that the 10th Parliament “will be like no other…it must be like no other…and we look to you (Speaker) to manage this noble House in a way that would promote democracy and prevent abuse; that would protect the people’s interest and that would provide a good life for all Guyanese.” He underscored that while the task will be burdensome, the members of APNU are committed to giving the necessary support to make the aspiration of the Guyanese people a reality.Referring to the after-election effects as a brand-new dispensation, AFC’s Presidential Candidate,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, Khemraj Ramjattan said that it is now required that “all of us,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, after that grilling campaign, to ease out of partisanship and ensure that Guyana progresses.”He made reference to the fact that the progress of Guyana depends on consensual arrangement in almost everything, including motions,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, bills and notices,China Jerseys Cheap, even as he noted that the “seven members of the AFC will ensure that you (Trotman) get all the support  to make that happen.”

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