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Throwback Jerseys Programme.Meanwhile









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發表於 2017-7-27 19:56:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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During the opening of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) yesterday, there were submissions ranging from $49.4 million to 60.9 million,NFL Jerseys China Online, for the construction of a perimeter fence at the derelict vehicle site at Kuru Kururu, Soesdyke/Linden Highway.  The procuring entity was listed as the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and the engineer’s estimate was announced at $62.2M.This contract comes months after the contract for the 5.5-kilometre road leading to the site was tendered. The A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition after its ascension to office back in mid-2015, had launched the initiative called the Guyana Restoration Project; which is aimed at rehabilitating,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, restoring and the renewal of the State.The derelict vehicle site is a major component of this project.Thus far, a car crusher,China Jerseys Cheap, estimated to cost $42M, to dispose of derelict vehicles has also been procured by the Public Infrastructure Ministry. Advertisements and tenders have also been opened for the supply, delivery,Cheap Jerseys Free, and installation and commissioning of a 120-tonne Electronic Truck Scale. The engineer’s estimate for that machine is $5M.The restoration project was divided into six goals and areas of concern, which are all long term,NFL Jerseys From China, and will see the country make a permanent change in addressing issues such as pollution, and congestion. The six goals include: drainage; sustainable urban,Cheap Jerseys From China, rural, and hinterland physical rehabilitation; solid waste management; welfare management of the homeless, addicts, and mentally unstable; rebranding Guyana through the restoration of ethical and social responsibility; and public and stakeholders consultations.Expressions of interest were also submitted for the institutional strengthening of the Audit Office of Guyana (Phase Four) Programme.Meanwhile, a Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) contract for the procurement of pharmaceuticals attracted billion-dollar bids.Tenders were also opened for the construction of a laundry area at the students’ dormitory in Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara. The procuring entity was listed as the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs and the engineer’s estimate was announced at $2.4M.Tenders were also opened for the construction of a waiting area at the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). The engineer’s estimate was announced at $11.3M.

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