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發表於 2017-7-28 00:29:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…allegations of poorly- lit compound surfaceThe National Psychiatric Hospital at Fort Canje,Womens Zlatan Ibrahimovic Manchester United Jersey, Berbice seems to be a constant target for thieves and burglars since it is constantly being attacked by bandits who break in the kitchen area to steal food items.The most recent case occurred during the wee hours of Friday when the kitchen was broken into. However, the burglar left several food items behind. According to a well- placed source, the security guard was making his rounds around the complex around 02:00 hrs when he noticed the front door of the kitchen locked.The National Psychiatric HospitalSuspecting that something was amiss since the kitchen door is not supposed to be locked from the inside; he went around the back of the kitchen and discovered a quantity of stocks left outside. There were corned beef and sardines packed in boxes. A pair of black boots and a striped jersey were found at that spot. The guard then alerted the night supervisor and other staff who surrounded the building,Adrian Aldrete Jersey, armed with torch lights.The police were then summoned and they responded approximately half an hour later. The source went on to say that the police had difficulty combing the compound since it was poorly lit. They had to borrow torch lights from the nurses.Their search for the individual came up empty handed in the kitchen. Sometime later,Virgil van Dijk Netherland Jersey, police discovered a man wrapped in a sheet walking on the road not far from the hospital. He was then arrested on suspicion that he was the bandit.The source revealed that break- ins are regular at the medical facility,Gael Clichy Jersey, and that this was the third instance for this year. Bandits would normally break in and steal chicken, greens,Joe Allen Jersey, cheese and canned stuff. The source added that the hospital’s administration would usually be very tight- lipped about the incidents.When contacted, Hospital Administrator, Leila Clarke- Daniels said that the break- in occurred at 04:00 hrs. “I don’t think they (the bandits) managed to get hold of anything”.She said they broke in the kitchen and the police captured the bandit. She added that the noise alerted the night supervisor and they called the police immediately and they responded. “I understood they surrounded the place and caught the person and he is in police custody”.POOR CONDITIONSThe source revealed that the hospital is in a very poor physical state, and that snakes are regularly found crawling up steps leading to the wards. The staff members want a better lit compound. “Some patients are eating out of [cut- open] peanut butter bottles and cups and flaked plates with holes.”Last year, a source at the facility revealed photographs of unsanitary eating utensils being used by patients at the hospital. The poor conditions of the wards and the eating utensils used by patients were highlighted. Two days after an article was published,Cameron Brannagan Jersey, the then Minister of Health, Dr Leslie Ramsammy visited the facility and ordered new utensils for the patients. However, it seems that the situation still persists at the mental health facility.Efforts to contact the Chief Executive Officer of the Berbice Regional Health Authority, Dr Vishwa Mahadeo,Diego Maradona Jersey, proved futile since he was said to be in Parliament.

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