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[IQ題] Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey Renuka Harlequin









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發表於 2017-7-28 03:23:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Prior to January 18, last, Renuka Harlequin, was a very active member of the Guyana Police Force and was everything to her two sons.However,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, all that changed on January 18,NBA Authentic Jerseys, last, when she was struck off her motorcycle by a car. The car is said to be contracted by the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company.Accident victim Renuka Harlequin.The woman said that she was heading home after picking up a few food items from the Bourda Market when tragedy struck.Recounting the incident,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Harlequin said that she was heading along Croal Street when she noticed a vehicle heading out of Albert Street. The woman said that she knew she had the right away when she noticed the man on his cellular phone and that he was not about to stop at the corner.She said that she even shouted at him,NFL Jerseys China Online, but from all indication the man’s conversation on his cellular phone had all of his attention.The woman said that the next thing she knew was that the car was onto her and she was lying on the road.Harlequin said that she soon realised that she couldn’t move her right leg. Public spirited citizens rushed to her assistance and it was only upon the insistence of the persons who gathered around her that the driver placed her in his vehicle and took her to the hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital and while receiving medical attention she learnt that her leg was broken in three places.The woman said that having been told this the first thing that came to her thoughts were her two sons whom she lives with.The two boys are aged 12 and 8. Renuka Harlequin said that since the incident she has been left bed ridden. The entire right leg is in a cast and she now has two pieces of steel in the leg.The woman said that she was advised by the doctor not to even attempt to stand on the leg. She said that she has already had surgery on the damaged foot,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, and it would be another eight months before she can attempt to stand on the leg.As a result of the accident,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, Harlequin said she is now forced to supervise her elder son in preparing meals.She said that friends would sometimes come over to assist with the house chores and some cooking.The woman said now that she in not able to work she is worried about her future with the Guyana Police Force.Her husband is a policeman in a Caribbean Island and cannot leave his job to take care of her back in Guyana.What is more heartrending is the fat that the person who is responsible for her present condition seems the least interested in her condition.The woman said that during the initial stages of her hospitalisation the man pleaded with her not to take the matter to the police.She said the day she was hospitalised the man visited her home and gave her a pair of crutches which are useless to her. The woman said the man has never seen if fit to even discuss the matter of monetary compensation.Mrs. Harlequin has been a member of the Guyana Police Force for the past eight years.

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