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Artemi Panarin Jersey or technical specifications









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發表於 2017-7-28 03:25:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Region Five administration’s acceptance of shoddy works executed by contractors consequently wasting millions in taxpayers’ money was revealed in the Auditor General’s Report 2011.The report disclosed that the Region did not properly monitor projects to see construction to specifications and in some instances certifying incomplete works as satisfactorily completed.The sum of $1.514M was expended to construct a reinforced concrete structure at Novar, East Coast Demerara. A physical check of the project showed that the culvert was poorly constructed– not aligned to the existing road and roadside drains.The report noted that no drawings or layout details for the structure was seen. In addition,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the dimensions of the structure did not conform to the specifications of the Bills of Quantities; neither did the contractor comply with the description of works. No toe piles were installed but payments were made for them.Moreover,NFL Jerseys From China, a layer of the concrete on top of the head walls can be removed by hand and the structure is unstable. The contractor was paid to remove materials from the previous structure that was demolished but that was not done.Blatant acceptance of shoddy works was also evident when the Region said that it was satisfied with the construction of a drain at No. Eight Secondary School that was incomplete. The report said that a contract totaling $3.575M was awarded to construct the drain. However, $1.716M was expended on the project.Apparently, checks made showed that the project was incomplete and no work was in progress at the site in spite of the fact that approximately eight months had already elapsed since the works were awarded to the contractor.The report revealed that a section of the drain was poorly constructed and was deemed unacceptably crooked but the Region accepted this poor quality work by certifying that the works were satisfactorily completed.Applying liquidated damages to the contractor was impossible since the contract did not have duration or a completion date. In addition, the contract documents did not include any general and special conditions of contract,Fernando Rodney Jersey, or technical specifications, despite being mentioned and referenced to in the signed contract agreement.The report also highlighted discrepancies in relation to incomplete works at the Polyclinic at Bush Lot Health Centre. The contract for the construction of the building came in 28 percent below the engineer’s estimate of $8.5M.The report stated that as of December 31, 2011, amounts totaling $2.215M were paid to the contractor but physical verification of the project revealed several discrepancies. The works were incomplete and no work was in progress at the site during the time of inspection.The contractual completion date of the project was June 8,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, 2011,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, which had long elapsed. The contractor failed to complete works within the time frame. As such,Cheap Jerseys From China, he is liable for liquidated damages but no penalty has been instituted.

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