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發表於 2016-11-30 06:22:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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KISS guitarist/vocalist Paul Stanley was a guest on the June 3 episode of "Home & Family" on the Hallmark channel. You can now watch the segment below.Stanley's revealing life-spanning memoir, "Face The Music: A Life Exposed", debuted at No. 2 on The New York Times' Best Sellers list for Print Hardcover Non-Fiction. On top of that, "Face The Music" debuted on the Times' Combined Print and E-Book best seller list and E-Book best sellers list at No. 3 and No. 13,Cheap NFL Jerseys, respectively. Although Stanley has been vocal about his issues with co-founding members Ace Frehley and Peter Criss,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, he talks in the new book about the problems in keeping a partnership going with Gene Simmons over the decades, telling The Pulse Of Radio that it's taken a lot of work to keep the pair moving forward and on the same page. "Oh,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, sure,China Jerseys Authentic," he said. "That over the years that's been an ongoing theme in our relationship. But time is the ultimate judge,cheap nfl jerseys china wholesale, and the fact that we've been together,Cheap Authentic China Jerseys Wholesale, at this point for,cheap nfl jerseys, 40 — my gosh — almost 44 years says volumes. There have been times where I've been very angry and resentful — and I'm not saying momentarily — I'm saying for long periods of time. But, in time,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, everything falls in place and you get a better perspective — hopefully. If you don't expect from someone what's not possible,Wholesale Jerseys China, then you won't be disappointed.”Stanley spoke frankly of a particularly icy moment in KISS history when, during the 1980s, Simmons seemed far more interested in an acting career than being the type of partner Stanley had come to rely on in KISS throughout the '70s. "It's much easier to do that when you know somebody else is gonna run with it. [Laughs] It's much easier to abandon ship when you know that someone is going to bail water. That was more than annoying and hurtful. It was unjust, because to cap that off — he still wanted to be paid equally. Well, that's insult to injury. Who gets paid for not doing their job? Doesn't work like that."

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