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發表於 2017-7-28 07:33:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– proprietrix suggests he fell from shed while spying on guests Victor Ramsabad, the handyman whose body was found at the Safari Inn on Tuesday, may have fallen to his death while indulging in his habit of peeping into the rooms of customers.Dead: Victor Ramsabad called ‘Tun-Tun’At least this is the view of Yvonne Correia, whose husband, Francis Correia, has been in custody ever since Ramsabad’s apparently battered remains were found in the compound of the Friendship,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, East Bank Demerara hotel.The remains were found near a shed that the proprietor’s wife claimed Ramsabad often clambered onto so he could peep into the windows of hotel guests.Mrs. Correia said she believed that the heavy-drinking handyman may have tumbled from his perch while indulging in his habit. She suggested that the body was not discovered until Tuesday because persons do not regularly traverse that section of the compound.Speaking to Kaieteur News yesterday, Mrs. Correia said that Rambasad, called ‘Tun Tun’, had been doing odd-jobs at the Friendship, East Bank Demerara hotel since he was a teen.She said that he was well treated, and they even put up with the heavy-drinking man’s habit of making off with alcoholic and other beverages that were stocked in the bar. The businesswoman said that ‘Tun Tun’ would stay away for about a month,Nike NFL Jerseys China, but then return and ask “for another chance.”“Is years he going into the bar and stealing liquor,” the businesswoman sad. “He would take Guinness or orange juice (from the bar,).”But while they put up with the handyman’s pilfering, Mrs. Correia claimed that they were particularly upset by his habit of peeping into the bedrooms and even into bathrooms at showering guests, particularly females. The businesswoman alleged that ‘Tun Tun’ would even “bore holes” in the bedroom walls to get a view of the guests. Afterwards, he would joke with his friends about his escapades.“I would say ‘Tun Tun’… stop peeping the customers, but he does still do it. A lot of customers caught him. His mother would also warn him.”Kaieteur News understands that the hotel proprietors had ordered the handyman to stay off the premises whenever he was drunk. Nevertheless,NFL Jerseys Discount, ‘Tun Tun’ would still sneak into the unfenced compound.Mrs. Correia said that she was informed that at around 22:00 hrs on Sunday, a couple came to book a room at the hotel. A female tenant gave the customers a room key, and on looking outside, saw ‘Tun Tun’ in the yard.“She say ‘Tun Tun’, auntie Yvonne ain’t say that she don’t want youThe passageway where the body was foundin the yard after hours?’”According to Mrs. Correia the tenant then went inside,Bobby Orr Jersey, so she was unable to say whether the handyman had left. Mrs. Correia believes that he was intoxicated at the time, since he had visited a wedding house in the area earlier in the day.Ramsabad,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, of Eleventh Avenue, Diamond Housing Scheme,Aaron Ramsey Arsenal Jersey UK, was found dead on Tuesday afternoon by the proprietor, Francis Correia. The body bore what appeared to be a gaping wound to the back of the head and lacerations about the body.  Police believe that he died sometime between Sunday and Tuesday.Ramsabad’s mother said that she last saw her son on Friday and that he had told her that he was going to an East Bank Demerara business place where a wedding was being held. She said that she received a call at around 14:00 hrs Tuesday from someone who informed her of her son’s death.The woman said that she then went to the Safari Inn, where she saw her son’s battered body.A post mortem is likely to be performed today.

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