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發表於 2017-7-28 10:30:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The business that is Christmas has evidently swept across Guyana. Even though businessmen moan and groan about how business is “not as good”, everyday they deposit bigger takings into their bank accounts. The taxis are everywhere, buzzing in and out, one behind my car, another in front,Blank Arsenal Jersey, yet another at the side, motioning me to allow him to come in front of me. They are everywhere! In traffic, on the pavement, in the trenches, on the curbs, everywhere!The minibuses are also doing their thing, zigzanging between other traffic on the road as they, together with the taxis, ensure that other drivers are kept in line.People, lots of people – everywhere! The census has to be wrong. I swear I have seen more than a million people in Georgetown this week!With the super growth in vehicle ownership (we are currently rrrrroaring along with the RR series), the large number of people on the roadways, the money flowing to the business people and the goods flying off their shelves, surely there is enough of everything.But, wait, it does seem like temper is the one thing that is short. Suck-teeth and curses are hurled at random as people get on each other’s nerves – and of course, the rains have made it better.So, I have had my fill of it all, taxis brushing me, minibus nearly hitting me down and cussing me on top of it. People swearing at me and beggars, don’t forget them; even they cussed me because I gave one of them a twenty.  I thought it was bad until I crashed a few staff parties.Chris Brown didn’t make it down, but the parties are ongoing. And yes, some stingy employers ensured that staff members were restricted to “one spoon of rice” per person. But the music played on. We grumbled but neither boss-man nor boss-lady cared.A tough decision time for the CEOs and business owners! They have to build their lists of who’s who for their Christmas “Gift” –usually a bottle of Rum. Officials and officers, managers and Ministers all will get their bottle.  And on top, to reward the deserving staff, well at least some of them.I must spare a thought for those sleeping on the streets. Even their cardboard mattress is now soaked with the rain. But they will survive, many with a toke to make everything feel alright.The big men and women will be as delighted as their kids to receive gifts. I cannot help but wonder what David, Donald, and Khemraj will get. Nothing can top the gift that Guyanese gave them during the last elections!So with all that has been good or bad, I will be amused over the Christmas, forgiving everyone who deserves to be forgotten, of course, forgiving them just for the day. Definitely this Christmas I will not say Bah Humbug as some will. I will be amused with the thought of the exciting times ahead in 2013.Merry Christmas y’all.

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