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[IQ題] NFL Jerseys China Online he said “Oh s**t









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發表於 2017-7-29 23:16:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-two-year-old Sophia Pitman is currently recuperating from injures she sustained at the hands of her ex-boyfriend.The young woman, who is a patient in Ward C-2 of the Georgetown Public Hospital,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, said yesterday that she was still in pain. A large bottle was nearby draining the fluids from her body.The La Grange, West Bank Demerara resident was shot in her right breast by her ex-boyfriend last Wednesday.Recounting the traumatic ordeal,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Pitman said that she was going by her mother’s house in Robb Street when the suspect confronted her in Cummings Street, Cummingsburg.She said that he came in front of her with a gun, and told her that he “want me and he play some game”. The woman said that she refused.“But he continued to tell her that the gun had two bullets,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, one for me and one for he”. Pitman said that she became afraid, and told him that he should go away.This may have angered him, since the argument between the two intensified and the suspect reportedly told her that her “family had found some man for me” and they were living together.The woman said he told her that he would spin the gun, and whoever it stopped in front of he would shoot.Pitman said that after he did that, all she saw was a “bright light” and she collapsed on the road.She said he came over me “asking me if I get shoot in meh belly.” After he started to see the blood running through my nose,NFL Jerseys China Online, he said “Oh s**t! I got to get away.”Bleeding profusely,Throwback Jerseys, she said, she managed to stagger and get help. She further explained that she saw a “junkie” and she told him that she was shot and asked him to get a car for her.Pitman said that she was picked up by the “junkie” and placed into the car and taken to the hospital,Artemi Panarin Jersey, where doctors managed to get her condition stabilized.The woman denied that she was restrained by two other men. She reiterated that it was only she and the suspect who were in Cummings Street when the incident happened.When asked about her relationship with her ex-boyfriend, she said that it was never really an abusive relationship.She said that the suspect was only “physical” once before. She said that he chopped her on her hand.Pitman said that she had reported the matter but nothing had ever come out of the story.Relatives who were present at the hospital said that they still fear for Pitman, since the suspect remains at large and may still want to harm her.

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