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NFL Jerseys Cheap China 2008









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發表於 2017-7-30 01:59:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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When President Bharrat Jagdeo assents to the Telecommunications (Amendment Bill) 2008, it will mean that the next time a persons attempts to purchase a SIM card for his/her mobile phone, he/she will have to furnish the dealer with proof of address and photographs, in addition to regular identification card.The legislation was tabled last Thursday by Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh on behalf of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, under whose portfolio telecommunications falls.The Bill will have to be debated fully when the National Assembly meets again, at which time it is expected to be passed.According to the explanatory memorandum accompanying the legislation, it has been observed that mobile cellular phones are frequently used to facilitate planning and commission of serious crimes.It noted that there has also been a spate of thefts of mobile devices by unscrupulous persons.In order to track these sources in the investigation by the Police, the identification of the persons in possession of the cellular devices is very vital,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, hence it is considered necessary to lay down provisions making it compulsory for the telecommunication service providers of SIM cards and mobile cellular phone services to establish,Throwback Jerseys, at their own cost, a system of recording and storing particulars of their SIM cards and mobile cellular phones, and of the customers using the SIM cards or mobile cellular phone services.Under the proposed legislation, a dealer or any other person selling or otherwise transferring a SIM card or mobile cellular phone to any person is required to get the data with the telecommunication service provider suitably recorded and stored, or changed and updated.However,Cheap Jerseys Free, this requirement does not apply in a case where a person transfers his SIM card or mobile cellular phone to a member of his family residing with him.Clauses proposed to be inserted in the principal act seek to prohibit any telecommunication service provider who provides a mobile cellular service from activating or reactivating a SIM card,Artemi Panarin Jersey, or from allowing the use of any mobile cellular phone on their telecommunication system unless the particulars of the SIM card or cellular phone are recorded and stored by them.It further sets out the details that have to be recorded and how it should be verified. The proposed section also seeks to require a service provider to ensure that the process of collecting the data,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, the facility where the information is to be stored, and the information itself are secure and only accessible to persons designated or authorized by them and to the Police on request.The legislation also caters for making a dealer of SIM cards or mobile cellular phones document specified information and convey it to the telecommunication service provider who is required to keep and update the records relating to the SIM cards or mobile cellular phones using their services.In case of loss or theft of a SIM card or mobile cellular phone, the matter should be reported to the telecommunication service provider as well as to the nearest Police station.Among the proposed amendments to the principal act is the provision of a time limit of twelve months from the date of commencement of the proposed piece of legislation for the telecommunication service providers to record and store the particulars of all SIM cards and cellular phones used on their telecommunication systems.The legislation is expected to be debated before the National Assembly enters in to recess later this year.

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