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發表於 2017-7-30 23:49:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…hears similar accusation against himA pastor took his neighbour to court for alleged noise nuisance, and was in return accused of the same by the said neighbour.Gregory Griffith,Lionel Messi Argentina Jersey, of Festival City, yesterday appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate,Blank Liverpool Jersey, Melissa Robertson on an allegation by Pastor Anthony Miller.The Pastor claimed that Griffith plays his music too loudly at inconvenient hours of the day and night,Emre Mor Dortmund Shirts, adding that the lyrics are offensive and obscene.Miller operates his church next door to Griffith and has his sermons from 6:00 hours to 8:00 hours on Tuesdays and from 8:00 hours to 11:30 hours on Sundays. He complained that his services are obstructed by the music and sometimes have to be stopped totally.Griffith,Per Mertesacker Arsenal Jersey, on the other hand, said that it was the Pastor and his church that were the cause of any noise nuisance in the neighbourhood,Meliton Hernandez Mexico Jersey, stating that the church goes on late into the night and that he had reported the matter before.Attorney-at-Law Lance Perreira stated that the proper procedure to be carried out when lodging a complaint for noise nuisance did not occur with his client.“They (police) jumped the fence”. He said that a warning must first be given to the accused,Javier Pastore Argentina Jersey, and only if that warning is ignored should they take him into custody. He went on further to say that the church should not be there in the first place,John Terry Jersey, claiming that it could be unlicensed, since it is located in a residential area. “They must know somebody”.The Public Prosecutor at this point stood up appalled at the allegations thrown at the Pastor and the church.“I’m appalled at what counselor had to say. What does he mean they must know somebody?”However, she had no objections to bail when asked. The Pastor argued that his church was licensed and that it has been around since 1985.Griffith was granted $15,000 bail and is to appear back in court on  August 4.

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