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發表於 2017-7-31 10:43:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Thirty-eight-year-old Randy Morgan of Hadfield Street was yesterday remanded to prison for allegedly buggering a seven-year-old child. It is alleged that the accused, on August 7, sexually assaulted the minor in a playground.Police prosecutor Denise Griffith stated that the child was playing in the ground when the accused,Bobby Orr Jersey, Morgan, came there.According to the prosecutor, the man was seen by other children in the centre committing the act. After the incident had occurred, the child was subsequently taken to a medical centre within the area,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, where it was confirmed that the child was sexually molested. Morgan pleaded not guilty to the charge.When acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson-Ogle asked the accused whether he had anything to say, the man replied in the negative.Bail was objected on the grounds that the accused lives in the same street as the virtual complainant, and he may tamper with the witness.Bail was denied. The matter is to reconvene on September 16.Meanwhile, also appearing before the acting Chief Magistrate was Orgil Thorne,Evan Engram Jersey, 59, of Lot M, Burnham Park, Mocha. It is alleged that the accused,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, on Friday last, on Cornhill Street, assaulted Feroze Khan, causing actual bodily harm.Khan told the court that Thorne walked up to him and cuffed him to the face,Cheap Jerseys Supply, he also slapped him twice.The accused pleaded guilty to the charge, but offered an explanation.He said that he was drinking with some friends about three months ago,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, when the virtual complainant asked him to buy a shot of liquor for him.Thorne said that he gave the man $1000 to make the purchase, but Khan never came back with his money. The defendant said that he saw Khan last week and asked for his money, but the man cursed him. Thorne admitted that he became annoyed at Khan and dealt him a cuff to his face.The defendant said that it was never his intention to hit the man, but he became annoyed because he “did this man a favour|” and this is what he got in return.Magistrate Robertson-Ogle asked Thorne to apologise to the VC. Thorne was fined $25,000.

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