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發表於 2017-7-31 22:00:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– but Chief Medical Officer insists situation under control Although the reported cases of gastroenteritis in Region One have almost doubled since the Ministry of Health last declared an official count, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shamdeo Persaud is adamant that the situation has stabilised.Speaking from Port Kaituma yesterday, Dr. Persaud disclosed that there have been no further deaths. The number of reported cases as at yesterday was 529.Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shamdeo PersaudAt a press conference last week, health officials reported that the number of infected persons was 252, with three resulting deaths.  According to Dr. Persaud, a visiting health team backed by a regional group have over the past week been working to keep the situation under control.Gastroenteritis is a medical condition characterised by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that involves both the stomach and the small intestine resulting in some combination of diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain and cramping.Dr. Persaud stated that the Health Ministry has been collaborating with officials from the Civil Defence Commission, the Pan American Health Organisation and the Guyana Water Incorporated in its quest to combat the outbreak. He revealed that close attention has been paid to the very contaminated water sources used by residents, adding that GWI has undertaken an assessment with a view of helping to tackle that challenge.“There were several suggestions, including trying to provide some form of treated water at the household level (but) since the level of contamination was so high, we were also advising that even water for brushing teeth or having a bath, swimming in the river… all of those would constitute some amount of risk.“It wasn’t only about drinking water but it extended beyond, to providing safe water for other domestic purposes too. So we were discussing with the Regional Authority and GWI of the possibility of how we can make the entire domestic water supply system safer,” the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) affirmed.Even as this proposal was being discussed, Dr. Persaud said that efforts were made to tackle the gastro situation by educating residents about the importance of using clean water and providing them with purification measures.The outbreak was first detected a few weeks ago and gained alarming momentum, forcing the Health Ministry to engage intensified action.  The cases were initially noticed in the Sebai area, but it was soon found that other areas, including Port Kaituma, were also under threat.During the past week, the few cases that were still being detected were mainly from the Port Kaituma area but were being managed effectively, according to Dr. Persaud. He had earlier revealed that although the situation was under control, the Ministry was on alert for a potential resurgence of cases since such outbreaks, at times, can appear to become docile.Moreover, he noted that the intervening approach was to pay close attention to those of the most vulnerable population – including the very young, the elderly and those with chronic diseases.Dr. Persaud explained that it was through the Health Ministry’s surveillance system that the surge in cases was observed. Information is collected on a weekly basis on all the surfacing syndromes.The CMO disclosed that, while from the start of the year the situation was pretty much stable, it was around week six, that is, the second week of February that an increase in gastroenteritis cases was noticed.As a result,Wholesale China Jerseys, on February 20, 2013, an evaluation was done by the Region and it was observed that the cases were clustered in a section of the locale of Sebai; hence a team from Georgetown was dispatched.It was soon discovered that the outbreak was linked to the water and soon after communities closer to Port Kaituma started to report an increased number of cases also.

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