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Marlon Humphrey Jersey Ret’d









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發表於 2017-8-1 21:27:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana yesterday bade farewell to Ombudsman, Justice (Ret’d) Winston Moore who was described as outstanding public servant.Speaking at the funeral service, held at the St Andrew’s Kirk Presbyterian Church,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, described Moore as an all-rounder who boasts an impressive score-board. “I wish,NBA Authentic Jerseys, on behalf of His Excellency, President David Granger, myself, members of our Cabinet and our families, as well as on behalf of the Government and people of Guyana,Cheap Jerseys From China, to extend sincere condolences and our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Vera Moore and the family of the late Justice Moore.”The PM noted that Moore family has not only lost its head,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, but the church has lost an Elder, and civil society has lost a leader. Government has also lost an outstanding public servant, he stressed.Born in Alness on the Corentyne, Berbice,Fernando Rodney Jersey, PM Nagamootoo said that Moore was his “countryman”.“…And that was how we greeted each other while he served as a judge, lawyer, and then Ombudsman. He was a great all-rounder. That was also said from the first tribute that was made– and his score-board is impressive.”The Prime Minister revealed that Moore has worked in the private and public sectors for 55 years as a clerk, soldier, lawyer, lecturer, judge and finally as Ombudsman.“He has also given sterling service as an Elder of this church and as a leading member of the Lions Club of South Georgetown and Georgetown,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Stabroek. His record of service to our nation is truly worthy of emulation.”Nagamootoo said that it speaks volumes of who Moore was when he was given the nod to be the Ombudsman.“The fact of his appointment as Ombudsman – “an official who is appointed to receive and investigate complaints of abuses and capricious acts of public officials” and who is “expected to achieve equitable settlements”— is testimony to his character; to the perception of his honesty, fairness and to his ability to dispense justice.”The PM urged that the best tribute to Moore’s passing would be for Guyana to resolve to emulate an outstanding son of the soil and his contributions to society.Moore, who has been fighting cancer for some time, passed away last week Friday night.He was first appointed as Guyana’s Ombudsman in January 2014.He began his legal career as an Attorney-at-Law in 1983.In 1998, he was appointed High Court Judge. In 2007, Justice Moore served as the Judge Advocate for Guyana Defence Force.In one of his first cases as Ombudsman, Moore was asked to rule on a complaint by former chief of the New Building Society, Maurice Arjoon, who wanted to clear his name of fraud charges.Arjoon has been fighting his wrongful arrest for almost a decade now.Moore’s report of the case found that Arjoon and two managers who were charged all suffered injustice after humiliation when they were arrested and charged.

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