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Marlon Humphrey Jersey detailed that on January 13









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A former New Opportunity Corps inmate was yesterday brought before Chief Magistrate,Fernando Rodney Jersey, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court where a charge of Robbery Under Arms was read to him.According to the Prosecution, the accused, Junior Kenny, was sentenced to the Onderneeming,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Essequibo penitentiary “sometime back.” The charge which was read to the now 23-year-old yesterday,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, however, detailed that on January 13, at North East La Penitence, Georgetown, while in the company of others and armed with a cutlass, he stole a quantity of electronic gadgets from Fiona Haley which amounted to just over $800,NFL Jerseys From China,000.The items included a flat screen television, a Digital Virtual Disc (DVD) player, a Samsung Galaxy cell phone and a Samsung Tablet. Kenny pleaded not guilty and was later remanded to prison by the presiding Magistrate.The Prosecution was represented by Police Prosecutor Corporal Bharat Mangru who told the court that Kenny is known to the victim and about 00:30 hours, he and another individual went to her house armed with a cutlass.He said that they came into contact with her at the back door where they pointed the weapon at her and ordered her into a room whilst they swiped the items. They then fled the scene but the matter was reported and acting on information received,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, police ranks were later able to apprehend them.Mangru added that the DVD player and the flat screen television were found in Kenny’s house. Subsequent investigations were conducted, hence the charge was instituted against him.The Prosecution objected to him being granted bail, citing the serious nature and the prevalence of the offence. Mangru also offered objections on account of the fact that the accused knows Haley. He said that if granted his pre-trial liberty he may tamper with her.When Kenny addressed the court, he stated that he lives in Sophia, but offered an alibi claiming that he was at North East with his little brother at the time the crime was allegedly committed. He admitted to having been an NOC inmate and told the court that he is a miner,Cheap Sports Jerseys, but has recently worked at a newly-opened carwash.Bail was refused to Kenny and his matter is scheduled to be called on February 7.

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