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發表於 2017-8-1 23:04:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A West Coast Demerara family believes that had the authorities acted in a timely and proper manner, the man now accused of murder would not have been around to be fingered in the heinous acts for which he is presently before the court.Fazeel Bacchus,Adrian Aldrete Mexico Jersey, called Javed,Joe Hart Jersey, was yesterday charged with the murder of Regent Multiplex Mall owner,Sam Johnstone Jersey, Ganesh Ramlall, called ‘Boyo’.For two and a half years Bacchus has been dodging a causing death by dangerous driving charge,Alex Bono Toronto Shirts, and according to relatives of the victim, the pussy-footing by the authorities has allowed him to remain on the loose to commit most of the acts he has admitted to.On February 22,Will Keane Jersey, 2013, Bacchus rode his brand new motorcycle in a dangerous manner, hitting down 46- year-old Ramkaran Bisnath on La Jalousie public road.Bisnath remained in a coma for 90 days before he finally succumbed. The matter was engaging the police at the Leonora Police Station, who assured members of the victim’s family that justice, would be served.In the meantime, Bacchus’ relatives insulted the victim’s family by offering them $20,000 in compensation.“Two years have passed and to date,Karim Rekik Netherland Jersey, we have not received a cent from them for the expenses we incurred. We spent over $400,000 in hospital fees and other expenses and still no justice,” said Savitri Singh,Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain Arsenal Jersey, a sister-in-law of the dead man.It’s not that Bisnath’s family is desperately in need of the money; in fact they are not.“All we want is justice,” Singh added.According to Singh, repeated checks with the police at the Leonora Police Station were met with the usual explanation: “The file is with the DPP” and “The matter is being investigated”.She said that after a while, they became frustrated and left the matter down.“We didn’t know where else to go and we never hear back from the police.”This newspaper contacted officials at the Leonora Police Station and they appear to be at sea with regard to the progress made on the accident that occurred two and a half years ago.The DPP’s office was also contacted and an official there invited the victim’s relatives to a meeting.The matter resurfaced again last week when the media reported that Bacchus was the mastermind of the attack on Ganesh Ramlall.Bacchus had reportedly confessed that he had planned the attack and had given police a detailed statement on the operation that led to the killing of the businessman.Singh said that her entire family immediately recalled the death of Bisnath and surmised that had the authorities acted timely, Bacchus might have been in prison by now for the accident.“This man could have been in jail instead of on the road to kill people,” another relative told Kaieteur News.The family said that they “want the public to know what he did two and half years ago and got off scot free…and now look what he did,” Singh said.

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