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An ex-police corporal Rudolph Greene, 60, of Lot 11 Water Street, Agricola, East Bank Demerara,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, is calling on the relevant authorities to investigate his claim of being discriminated against in all forms.The ex-policeman is claiming that he was awarded a judgment in the Appeal Court in the sum of $1,086,234 after fighting for his gratuity and pension that he did not fully receive.Ex-police corporal Rudolph GreeneGreene said that after waiting a while to receive his cheque, he was told by officials within the Ministry of Legal Affairs that Attorney General, Charles Ramson,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, stated that no payments should be made until further express order, and “no reason was given to me why this was done.”After writing to the Attorney General, Greene said that he then received a cheque No 02-7393 in the amount of $540,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,533 from the Ministry of Legal Affairs. “They didn’t even give me an explanation why my money was cut.”Greene said that he then wrote to the Attorney General and later to the President but never received a reply,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and after visiting many officials within the government he was given the royal-run-around.“I then write to Dr. Roger Luncheon and he eventually told me that the best place to solve my issue was at the Ministry of Legal Affairs….where I am receiving no justice,Cheap NFL Jerseys, where I am being discriminated and victimised against.”He explained that when the judgment was granted,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, the now Attorney General Charles Ramson was one of the Appeal Court Judges that presided over the trial at that time, and that Senior Counsel Doodnauth Singh was the then Attorney General.“So I can’t understand why I am receiving such a hard time with the Attorney General when he was the one involved in granting me the amount in court…He is not supposed to slash my cheque in half without giving me a reason.”The ex-police is contending that as a citizen who served his country with dignity for decades,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, he should not be treated in such a discriminatory way.

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