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Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey demonstrations and displays









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The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) recorded 2000 fire calls in 2014, a 13 per cent increase on 2013, and according to Chief Fire Officer, Marlon Gentle, this resulted in fewer buildings being destroyed (six per cent decrease).Gentle said that there was a significant increase in buildings that were slightly damaged, but this was because of the quick response by the fire service in saving those buildings.Gentle further noted that there was also a decrease in fire started by children and electrical fires. There was also a 10 per cent reduction in lives lost as a result of fires.Maliciousness,Artemi Panarin Jersey, carelessness and the use of electrical appliances were the three major causes of fires during that period.However, during last year, more calls were made to the fire service, for accidents and rescues. Gentle said that the fire service responded to 27 road traffic accidents last year, and had to rescue persons trapped in vehicles. Ambulance work was done in some outlying areas.The fire prevention activities were a success in 2014. In terms of public education, which was done in the form of lectures,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, seminars, demonstrations and displays,NFL Jerseys Cheap, in excess of 160 were executed, benefiting over 31,000 people.“We were also able to reach some other traditional areas in Guyana that we do not go to, especially in the hinterland communities, such as Lethem, and the North West. As we go forward, we will be looking at more public awareness programmes, because we still believe that many of these fires can be prevented if certain safety measures are performed by the individuals, because one has to bear in mind, that the fire service will respond after the fact, after the fires have been started, and therefore there will be damage,” Gentle explained.He explained that the minute there is an outbreak of fire and the fire service is summoned, by the time the fire fighters get there,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, most times the fire has moved from that small stage to something larger, and therefore the service’s tactics and strategies would then be to avoid that fire getting larger.“There are some factors that have challenged us as we are getting there, one being that a fire tender is about 10 tons … loaded with equipment and men traversing to a scene, we still have to contend with traffic and the distance to get there, so when we get there, there will be some damage.“So the issue of coming without water doesn’t say much. If a fire is started 15 minutes before the fire service gets there. The issue of fire starts with a call, the distance and then there are some persons not heeding to the sounds of fire tenders,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, and all of these things slow down the time,Throwback Jerseys,” the Fire Chief noted.He also emphasised that there is also the challenge of a large number of derelict buildings in Georgetown and the service has been engaging the relevant authorities to have these structures removed. (GINA)

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