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發表於 2017-8-2 06:16:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A man, who used a number of city hotels to fleece unsuspecting jewelers for gold, was on Wednesday sentenced to 19 years behind bars after he pleaded guilty to six charges that included gaining by false pretence, escaping lawful custody and simple larceny.Mohammed Ali of Lot 30 Albouystown appeared before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell and told the court that he had turned over a new leaf after finding God.  The man who will face the 19 year sentence that will run concurrently, begged for mercy in hearing the judgement.Ali was brought to court in early 2011 where he answered charges for incidents that occurred in November of 2010. From that period until February last year, Ali fraudulently obtained gold from Orin Agard and Anthony Starton. During that same period, he stole 50 pennyweights of gold from Khemraj Rawdeo and local and foreign currencies from Rei Tiangping. In late February, Ali escaped from police custody while being detained for the mentioned offences.Mohammed AliOf the simple larceny charge and obtaining by false pretence, Ali obtained over $4.5M.The police alleged that between November 2010 and February 2011, Ali went to the jewelers claiming his interest to buy gold. He first took Agard to the Princess Hotel where he claimed his mother had rented a room,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, and she was the one who had the money to pay for the gold. He took the gold from Agard and left for the room. Ali never returned with the man’s gold or the money.Ali next took Starton to the Pegasus Hotel where he also told that jeweler that he was willing to buy gold. This time, he said he had rented a room and told Starton that he needed to go up to the room to get the money to pay for the gold. Ali took the gold up to his room and again disappeared with another jeweler’s gold and money.From Tiangping, Ali stole $3.2M and $300 US currency. From Rowdeo, Ali also stole 50 pennyweights of gold valued $660,000.Reports were made to police stations and charges were later instituted.In asking the court for mercy, Ali claimed that he was already serving a five year sentence for destroying police property while in the lockups at Anna Regina.Three witnesses including one of the complainants appeared to testify against Ali. He told the court, “I am now a Christian and no longer wish to lead a life of crime, so I am pleading guilty to all the offences.”

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