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– family worried about husband’s murderous threatsA woman is worried about the whereabouts of her 20-year-old daughter two weeks after she tied theThe family of Hemmo Singh (seen in picture) is worried about her safety.knot. A visibly distraught Narainee Narine of Diamond, East Bank Demerara, told this publication yesterday that she became aware that her daughter,Authentic Jerseys Sale, Hemmo Singh,Andy Pettitte Jersey, was missing after her husband turned up at her (Narine’s) home levelling accusations about her hiding his wife.The husband, according to Narine, is a pensioner, who resides at a Grove, East Bank Demerara address.  The woman said that while she does not know the man personally, she became aware that her daughter had a friendship with him after seeing him drop her home on a daily basis over a period of time.At the time Hemmo Singh was residing with her mother and was employed as a domestic worker at 17th Avenue, also in Diamond Housing Scheme.“I used to row with she every day I see she coming home with this old man and she just keep telling me, ‘is taxi, is taxi’.”The woman said that she was not even aware that her daughter had plans to marry the aged man. “She had a young boyfriend and everything and suddenly she left a day and go and marry this man…she send the photo with she sister; we didn’t get invite or nothing,” the woman related.She said that her daughter, after marrying the man around March 14, last,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, she moved to his residence.Narine said that she was very surprised to learn that her daughter had left the man’s home.  She told this publication yesterday that she is not aware of her daughter’s whereabouts but she is fearful for her wellbeing,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, since the man has reportedly threatened to kill her when he finds her. According to the woman, the man has claimed that her daughter had stolen from him before she disappeared from his home on March 26, last.The man, the mother claimed,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, has also threatened to kill her and another daughter whose home he had visited in his attempt to locate his wife.  The other daughter is Shivanie Singh, who also resides in Diamond. Singh claims that the man turned up at her residence on March 26, to enquire about his wife.She however disclosed that she told the man she was not aware of her sister’s whereabouts. She noted, too,Bobby Orr Jersey, that the man,Jerseys NFL China, not accepting her word, was not only verbally abusive, but also brandished a gun claiming that he was a licensed firearm holder and wasn’t afraid to use his weapon.“He deh pointing around he gun and me children been right there…saying he gonna kill me and when he find Hemmo he gonna kill she too,” Singh related yesterday. The woman said that she reported threats to the police at Diamond.A police rank when contacted by this publication yesterday via telephone confirmed that the matter has been reported and “we are looking into it.”But the family of Hemmo Singh are worried that the man might make good on his promise to kill her. This is in light of the fact that Singh confessed to receiving a telephone call from a woman she believes is her missing sister last week Tuesday (March 29). According to Singh, her sister divulged that she decided to run away because she was being physically abused by the man who had also threatened to kill her.“She said she didn’t go home to we mother because she was afraid the man would find she and kill she,” related Singh yesterday.Singh said too that her sister called from a blocked number and refused to share her location.“We just want her to come home…we want her to call us and come home. We want the police to deal with this man too, because we don’t know…if he find she before the police put hands on he,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he might just kill she,Wholesale Jerseys,” said a worried Singh yesterday.As such, the family of Hemmo Singh is appealing to police to deal swiftly with the man so that the young woman could feel safe enough to return home to her family.

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