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發表於 2017-8-2 07:19:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… As finishing touches applied to Independence ArchPreparations were in full swing last night at the Independence Monument for Guyana’s 49th Independence celebrations slated for today.Several volunteers, police officers and members of the Guyana Fire Service were seenRestoration works being carried out yesterday.working round the clock as planning intensified for a packed day of activities.Their efforts were recognized and well rewarded by local businesswoman, Allison Butters-Grant,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who provided meals and refreshments for the workers.Butters- Grant,Authentic Jerseys Sale, who heads Global Seafood Distributors in West Ruimveldt in a brief interview,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, said that she was very pleased with the efforts being pooled by her fellow Guyanese. She added that she visited the Independence Arch on Sunday and was impressed with the rehabilitation works that were carried out on the monument and its environs.The businesswoman added that she also wanted to contribute to the clean-up efforts, so she decided to team up with her friend Mr. Bobby Vieira to do so.She detailed that she and Mr. Vieira collaborated with Waterchris Hotel to provide mouth watering peas and rice along with fried fish for the hardworking clean up team.Since she operates a fish processing plant,Wholesale Jerseys, she provided the fish for the meals. Butters- Grant and Mr. Vieira also took on the responsibility of providing cold sodas.As she observed the work team in action,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, she seemed delighted. She was overwhelmed at the turn out and opined “Guyanese are like tourists”. In explaining this, she said that it was very patriotic to see Guyanese from all walks of life coming to overlook the works being carried out at the site.Butters- Grant also extended congratulations to the newly appointed President H.E David Arthur Granger and his cabinet. She wished the new government all the best in their future endeavours.Butters- Grant and Mr. Vieira are also the driving forces behind several Guyanese projects in New Jersey,Wholesale Jerseys Group, United States. Butters-Grant and her team have planned a massive independence celebration for Guyanese living in East Orange,NFL Jerseys Outlet, New Jersey which she said has about 80% Guyanese.The entire Square of the Revolution and its environs was washed by members of the Guyana Fire Service using pressure hoses. Volunteers were spotted erecting a large billboard at the head of Brickdam,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, with the face of the new President. There was even a bulldozer on site that assisted with the removal of dirt.Meanwhile there were others who assisted with painting and sweeping several parts of the monument. Then they were those who assisted with setting up large white tents and barricades.As time progressed,Jerseys Cheap NFL, the gathering grew larger as persons turned out to observe the works being done.Many school children were also part of the gathering. They appeared very overjoyed as they took pictures with each other and shouted “Happy 49th Independence Guyana”.Guyanese are urged to turn out in their numbers to join in the festivities of this historic event.

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