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發表於 2017-8-2 11:56:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yesterday the preliminary inquiry (PI) into the treason matter against Army Reserve Officer Leonard Wharton, Major Bruce Munroe and Carol Ann Munroe continued, and as indicated by State-appointed prosecutor Vic Puran on the last occasion, submissions were delivered in response to a no-case submission previously made by Defence Counsel Nigel Hughes,Matthias Ginter Germany Jersey, one of the attorneys representing the accused.In addition to this, the prosecution also informed the court that there was no need to amend the charge laid out against the accused,Patrick Roberts Jersey, but in an abundance of caution,Marco Delgado Toronto Shirts, it will seek to amend the particulars of the charge.Puran had conceded when the matter was last called that in the particulars of the charge against the three persons, no overt acts were made out and that he would be seeking to make the amendments. The defence team, however, objected to the prosecution’s application of amending the charge.The defence had noted that upon a review of the particulars of the charge, it became immediately apparent that the critical element of manifestation of the intention by an overt act had been left out. It was also said that by the absence of any reference to any overt act in the particulars of the offence,Nick Hagglund Jersey, a critical element of the offence had not been alleged.The defence had continued that the accused were required by law to apply their defence to the alleged overt acts and in the absence of any such acts being pleaded or stated in either the particulars or separately under the heading Overt Acts of the Offence,Alejandro Palacios Mexico Jersey, the accused were irreparably deprived of the essential elements of the offence. The defence lashed out that such an omission in the charge particulars was not remedied by an amendment of the particulars.Puran yesterday handed over his submissions to the defence claims and requested of the court another date to present his authorities in support of his submissions. Puran also mentioned that while he had previously believed that the defence claim in relation to the particulars of the charge had substantial merit to support it, he was however now convinced that the submission had no merit to warrant it.Presiding over the matter, Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, after listening to the two sides, set Friday for the parties to return to court. The Magistrate indicated that until then she will be going over the information released by Puran and Hughes.The treason matter against the three accused had engaged the attention of the court since late December of 2010. The army officials and female civilian when charged were alleged to have, between September 1,Ben Davies Jersey UK, 2009 and September 15, 2010, intended to levy war against the President and Government of Guyana.The police said they had reportedly conspired with others to depose the then President, Bharrat Jagdeo.The prosecution on March 5 had,Gabriel Jersey, however, closed its case against the three accused. This came after the testimony of the three main witnesses in the matter had concluded their evidence before the court.  According to information, it is apparent that the three accused were allegedly caught in a sting operation where an undercover civilian reportedly taped conversations of them plotting to wage war in Guyana.

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