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[IQ題] Cheap Jerseys Free ” Mustapha told Kaieteur News yesterday.According to Mustaph









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Executive Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Zulfikar Mustapha, will be heading to the High Court this week to file Contempt of Court Charges against AFC Executive Member, and television talk show host, Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya.Mustapha said that the words uttered two Saturdays ago on TV did not qualify as an apology. He said that he is seeking redress in the Court since Ramayya did not issue a public apology as stipulated by the Berbice High Court two weeks ago.The court had found Ramayya culpable of libel for comments he (Ramayya) made on the TV programme, ‘Issues of the People (Live); on DTV-8, a weekly televised programme aired every Saturday night. The comments were aired back in 2006, during the height of the election campaigns.Justice Nareshwar Haranand ordered Ramayya to publicly apologize to Mustapha on television within seven days of the High Court ruling. The good doctor uttered a few comments before the start of his programme, ‘Alliance on the Move’, on Saturday, March 7,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, 2015 on DTV-8.“I was ordered by the court, and I am not very comfortable with what I have to do or say. On behalf of myself and TV Station, we want to apologise to Zulfi Mustapha for the allegation that was made on this television programme. So that ends the episode with a very big full stop,” Ramayya said on the programme.But Mustapha does not consider the remarks apologetic in nature, and plans to file more charges against the good doctor.“It was not what he was ordered to say on the television programme,Marlon Humphrey Jersey,” Mustapha told Kaieteur News yesterday.According to Mustapha, Ramayya was given a few paragraphs of choice of words on how his apology should be stated.Sources close to Mustapha,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, also revealed that the judge ensured Ramayya read a copy of the apology and he (Ramayya) had to pronounce each word very slowly, to show he understand what was printed and what had to be said on the airwaves.Mustapha told this newspaper last evening,NFL Jerseys Cheap, that he is no longer looking for an apology from Ramayya since Ramayya already committed Contempt of Court.“That is not an apology,” he said.Additionally, Mustapha also stated that Ramayya has not paid $250,000,Throwback Jerseys, the fine levied by the judge after the ruling.Mustapha has also moved to the Media Monitoring Unit (MMU) against Ramayya and the AFC, for what he dubbed were racial remarks by Ramayya on a February 28, 2015 edition of the AFC TV weekly Live programme, ‘Alliance on the Move’,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, on DTV-8.

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