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[Xbox 360] China Jerseys Cheap who were invited by the Guyana government









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發表於 2017-8-2 17:38:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Top Cop rape probe…While there is silence surrounding the investigation into allegations of rape against Police Commissioner Henry Greene, the woman who made the accusations is adamant that she will not be letting go of the matter.Speaking with this newspaper last night,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, the 34-year-old woman said that since giving her statement to the police,Fernando Rodney Jersey, she has not heard anything further from them.Police Commissioner Henry GreeneThis is despite being told that international investigators,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, who were invited by the Guyana government, had arrived in the country since last week.She told this newspaper that she has not been contacted by them and will be contacting her attorney on the matter.In December last year, in an interview with several members of the media in the presence of her attorney Nigel Hughes, the woman had detailed her ordeal with the commissioner who she claimed had taken her to a city hotel and forced her to have sex with him against her will.Greene has since proceeded on leave to facilitate an investigation for which President Donald Ramotar had requested international assistance.The Guyana Government through the Ministry of Home Affairs had requested and secured the assistance of the Jamaica constabulary service for an impartial probe.Kaieteur News understands that since the team’s arrival,Cheap Jerseys Free, the six investigators have met with officials from the criminal investigations department but have yet to take statements from the main players in the case.Last night the woman in a telephone interview with this newspaper expressed surprise upon learning that overseas investigators had arrived in the country.“These people have not yet spoken to me,” she said when asked if she was contacted.“I am not sure what is going on. I am just waiting. I am trying to get myself together. I am not getting any sleep at nights, my pressure is still very low,” she told Kaieteur News.This newspaper also understands that the investigators have not yet approached the commissioner for a statement on the matter.Greene has remained silent,NBA Authentic Jerseys, telling reporters that he had engaged his attorney in the matter.According to reliable sources,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, the allegation has not yet been officially put to Greene.The woman however is clear in her mind that she will see the matter through to its rightful conclusion“Am I a mad woman to just come out of the blue with an allegation like this,” she stated.

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