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[IQ題] Wholesale Jerseys vcitanyg









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發表於 2017-8-3 11:08:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“The threat by the state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) to de-recognise the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU) is intemperate and reckless.”This is according to Executive Member of the Peoples Progressive Party Moses Nagamootoo who says that the report that GuySuCo  has notified GAWU that it is considering to end the 1976 Recognition and the Avoidance and Settlement of Disputes Agreement with the union, is an extreme provocation.According to Nagamootoo,Jerseys NFL China, this year sugar workers were given not a cent either as wage increase or annual bonus as Guysuco did not achieve its set target.“The workers were literally expected to “produce or perish”.Moses NagamootooAccording to Nagamootoo,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, he is shocked that the Government could condone the attack on GAWU and the sugar workers; “and that leaders of my party,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the PPP, would expect to be in silent conspiracy with this outrage against the vanguard of the working class movement in Guyana…I can no longer remain silent.”Nagamootoo insists that it is a matter of a grave national concern and a matter of conscience.“I dissociate myself from what seems to be a state-party alliance in sledge-hammering GAWU, judging from the leading role of Dr. Nanda  Gopaul, Permanent Secretary in the Office of the President and former acting Head of the Presidential Secretariat, as Chairman of GuySuCo, and  Donald Ramotar, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), who is a prominent member of the Board.”According to Nagamootoo, the sugar workers have been the bedrock of the anti-colonial struggles for independence from Great Britain and for 28 years (1948 to 1976) they fought for industrial democracy and won union recognition.According to Nagamootoo, for 28 years (1964 to 1992) they were in the front trenches for restoration of democratic rule in Guyana.“Their struggles gave birth to the PPP, and were exemplified in the commitment of Cheddi Jagan, the sacrifices of the Enmore Martyrs, Kowsilia,Cheap Jerseys China, and many others.”He said that,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, “no one denies that the sugar industry is in crisis due to a combination of exogenous and internal management factors…Low worker turn-out, work stoppages and inclement weather compounded the problem….But the sugar workers cannot be the only scapegoats for failure.”Nagamootoo said that for many years,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, he has been associated with the cause of Guyana’s sugar workers and,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, invariably, marched under their banner in their epic fight for union recognition.“As a young teacher I founded a school to help mainly sugar workers’ children to get an education…Later, as a journalist,Wholesale Jerseys, I captured in many feature articles the consistent and unwavering struggles in the sugar belt…And I can attest that their union has never allowed itself to be intimated or blackmailed in the past.”He said that he expects no more from GAWU which should, with dignity and responsibility,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, prosecute all reasonable options to end the stalemate in the industry, “Strikes must be the last resort.”He said also that he expects GuySuCo to re-think its options, and to eschew its intention to de-recognise GAWU.The de-recognition threat ought to be withdrawn immediately and unconditionally before irreparable damage is done, Nagamootoo said.“The Government would do well also to explore all possibilities to give the sugar workers even a nominal wage increase…Zero is an insult, not an option…I’d like to borrow the poignant words of Ricky Singh, a former colleague of mine, when he wrote several years ago in another context, that we should, as we observe Christmas, “Light a Candle” for our sugar workers.”

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