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– insists Govt. has no preferred candidate for the job Although Government has expressed its desire to have Professor Nigel Harris appointed Chancellor of the University of Guyana (UG), it currently has no preferred candidate to fill the position of Vice Chancellor when the contract of Professor Jacob Opadeyi comes to an end next year.The Nigeria-born Professor Opadeyi, who commenced his tenure as Vice Chancellor in 2013, has had a tumultuous relationship with the Unions of the University – The University of Guyana Senior Staff Association and the University of Guyana Workers Union.There has been speculation that the Guyana-born, Dr. Ivelaw Griffith, a Political Scientist, who currently serves as the Ninth President of the Fort Valley State University in middle Georgia, is one of the most suitable candidates for the position.Although the University has not advertised for the position of Vice Chancellor, there have been reports that a number of intellectuals have expressed their interest to serve in the capacity of Vice Chancellor.However, Government will be embracing the decision made by the University Council as to whether it will accept a new candidate or retain Professor Opadeyi when his contract ends. In essence, a process-driven approach is what will be satisfactory to Government.Technical Adviser to the Minister of Education, Vincent AlexanderAt least this is according to Technical Adviser to the Minister of Education, Mr Vincent Alexander. Alexander formerly held the position of Registrar of UG and brings to the Education Ministry a wealth of knowledge as it relates to tertiary education.During an interview with this publication yesterday, Alexander made it clear that “first of all the matter of continuation or non-continuation is one that the University Council will have to decide on, and secondly, once they (members of the Council) would have made that decision, they would have to go through the normal process of engaging the Vice Chancellor….there is no question of a Minister or an individual having a choice,” Alexander asserted.He pointed out that while the life of the Council has expired, a new one is likely to be in place within two weeks.But the efficient operation of the University will be dependent on a complete leadership team. It was for this reason that Government sought to identify a suitable candidate to fill the capacity of Chancellor which has been vacant for a few years.According to Alexander, ahead of his appointment as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Education, there wasn’t a section that deals specifically with tertiary education, thus it is expected that he will be mainly engaged in that area.And since the Education Ministry has overall policy responsibility for education, which includes tertiary level education, this means that there is a need for the Ministry to be more engaged in monitoring and in policy decisions at UG, Alexander noted.He confided that the Ministry itself, through a task force, will look at the operation of the University. This means that all reports completed over the years, as it relates to the operation of the University, will be given keen attention.The task force will also be expected to have discussions with stakeholders, and the outcome of such interactions, it is hoped, will allow for the task force together with the University to formulate an action plan that can help to make a positive difference at the tertiary institution.Minister of Education, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, during an earlier interview with this publication, spoke of his intent to transform UG into a thriving institution within five years.“If at the end of five years the University of Guyana is not a thriving University that can meet international standards, I would have considered that I would have failed,” said Dr Roopnaraine as he observed that the institution’s parlous situation is one that must be urgently addressed.Its numerous challenges include a number of infrastructural shortcomings that are a direct result of it being starved of funds.“It is a question of priorities. We know that the money is limited, but it is how you prioritise, and I believe that the University really has to be given a far higher priority than it has been given so far,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet,” Dr Roopnaraine had told this publication.According to Alexander, currently there are three major things that are key to the transformation of the University. In particular, he listed the need for adequate manpower, infrastructure and the ideal tertiary level curriculum, all of which require funding.

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