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[Xbox 360] Miranda Brazil Jersey n2uhwqyr









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發表於 2017-8-10 14:51:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The quartet who allegedly broke into the Ram’s Pharmacy and stole items valuing $6M appeared yesterday before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.Alicia Griffith, 32,Atlanta Braves Kurt Suzuki Jersey, of 103 Regent Street, Martin Emptage, 45,Brendan Langley Jersey, of Lot 51 Prince William Street, Plaisance, Delroy Harris,Custom Liverpool Jersey UK, 31, of 313 Regent Street and Devon Rodney, 34, of 177 James and Campbell Streets,Arizona Diamondbacks Fernando Rodney Jersey, Albouystown,Jonathan Allen Jersey, are all accused of breaking into the Ram’s Pharmacy,Andre Ethier Jersey, property of Lakeram Odit, on February 12.The four pleaded not guilty to the charge.Emptage told the court that the only reason he was arrested was because he was passing the store. He said that he did not know any of the defendants and the police need to do proper investigation to ascertain who the real culprits are.Harris also said that only reason he was in the vicinity was because he was heading to market to buy greens since he was a vendor.The man further told the magistrate that he was beaten by the police when he was taken to the outpost at Prashad Nagar.When Delroy Harris made his appearance yesterday his shoulder was in a sling. Another defendant,Sergio Busquets Jersey, Alicia Griffith, said that she saw the pharmacy door open and went to summon a guard from a nearby store.The woman said that the guard did not take her seriously so she went about her normal chores. Griffith said that she knows nothing about the break-in and that she was innocent of the charge.However Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford opposed bail and stated that all the defendants were caught red handed.The prosecutor told the court that on the day in question the owner secured his premises and went home. He said that the owner received a phone call telling him that four persons were removing items from his store. The police were also summoned and they found the defendants removing some the items from the pharmacy.They were all taken to the Alberttown Police Station.The magistrate granted the quartet bail in the sum of $200,000. They are all expected to make a court appearance on March 13.

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