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Homer Bailey Reds Jersey four months later









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發表於 2017-8-10 17:45:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– describes condition as hostage-likeTales of sexual harassment by ranks of the Guyana Police Force have tainted the noble intention of the Ministry of Human Services with regards to the witnesses involved in the sexual assault case against embattled television station owner, Chandra Narine Sharma.And although officials from both the police and Ministry of Human Services have claimed that the witnesses are not being detained, one of these witnesses has refuted this,Brett Hundley College Jersey, and citing prison-like conditions under which they have been held for the past four months.Teresa managed to escape from the witness protection facility for the second time with her three-year-old son. Nineteen-year-old Teresa,Jeff Keppinger White Sox Jersey, who has a three-year-old son,Andrew Miller Indians Jersey, again managed to escape from the facility after insisting that she needed medical attention for excessive bleeding.She is adamant that she has not been influenced by anyone for her actions but is just reacting to conditions that she never thought that she and her son would have had to endure.This newspaper had first highlighted the plight of the witnesses who managed to free themselves of the conditions earlier last week.They were however recaptured and taken back to their holding facility under police guard.Police Commissioner Henry Greene had denied knowledge of last week’s escape and officials of the Ministry of Human Services had dismissed reports that the witnesses are being kept against their will.Following charges against C.N. Sharma four months ago, officials moved to protect the witnesses after it was learnt that they were reportedly being tampered with.Several of Sharma’s associates have been charged with witness tampering.The witnesses, seven in all, including two children, were moved to a secure location with the promise that they will be well taken care of.They were also promised that they would not have been there for long since the matter would have been expedited.However, four months later, they are yet to appear in court to give evidence and they are still unsure of how long they will be in the present position.According to Teresa, from the inception there were signs that things would not be the way they were promised.She recalled that when the police came to take them into protective custody, she and her siblings were undressed and the male ranks just stood there watching them, violating their privacy.They were eventually escorted to the holding facility where they remained up to present.“They tell we that we gon just stay deh fuh couple morning and we gone come out. They tell de people we can’t go downstairs and we can’t talk to nobody; we can’t go nowhere,” Teresa recalled.Female ranks in rotating shifts were deployed to guard them as they eagerly awaited their day in court and the subsequent end to their ordeal.“They just keep telling we next month, next month,” Teresa said.She explained that after becoming confused and feeling extremely confined, they made their first attempt to leave the facility last week.“We want we freedom,” she said.Their frustrations grew when they were recaptured and taken back to the facility. According to Teresa, their anger also went through the roof after they read the denial of officials regarding the conditions under which they are being held.Teresa said that she could not take it any longer and she again decided to leave, this time only with her three-year old son.She claimed that the female rank who was guarding them tried to prevent her from leaving but she forced her way out of the room and fled the facility.“I’m bleeding and I said I am going to the hospital. There was one policewoman working and she didn’t want me to leave. I tell she she could come with me but she say the others will getaway. She hold me and tell me I can’t go. I tell she if she hold me one more time, we gone gat fuh fight and I walk out,Nellie Fox White Sox Jersey,” Teresa said.This newspaper was reliably informed that the rank informed her superior of what had happened but it is unclear what action was taken.She fears for her siblings who were left behind since she believes that in light of her walkout,China Jerseys Cheap, they will be removed to another unknown location.Teresa said that the food they are being served is not up to standard and they are only allowed unto the verandah of the facility for some sunlight.She also indicated that it was only after this newspaper published the article about their plight that an official from the Human Services Ministry brought them sanitary napkins. This was after months of using toilet tissue.And in some shocking revelations, Teresa described the sexual advances made by two police officers from CID headquarters Eve Leary.She said that on July 17 last she asked one of the officers to bring something for her son for his birthday.“He tell me that I got to put a hickey pon he first and then he gone remember. He say if he didn’t had he girlfriend he would tek me. He ask me if I want to go by he and I tell he no. The other policeman (name given) tell my sister if he didn’t have a wife he would tek she,China Jerseys NFL,” Teresa told this newspaper.“Nothing they say in the newspaper is true. They say we are free to go where we want. That is not true because they just got we lock up in a room all the time, we can’t go no way,” Teresa said.

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