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Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation









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發表於 2017-8-17 04:53:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In an effort to tackle cervical cancer in sexually active women of child-bearing age, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) is urging more females to visit its VIA (Visual Inspection with Acid) clinic and get screened.VIA testing is a visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid (vinegar) to check for cancerous cells. This was introduced at the GPHC through the Ministry of Health in 2009 and has been described as a “blessing” by many.Medex Lorlene RamsundarDuring a recent interview with the head of the VIA clinic, Medex Lorlene Ramsundar told Kaieteur News that cervical cancer is almost 100 percent preventable and advises women not to be scared and get screened as soon as possible.“VIA testing is simple. We would look (with our eyes) to see the mouth of the cervix. The area where we apply the vinegar is called the squamous caluminar junction. That area is the vulnerable area for pre-cancer lesions,Cheap Jerseys From China,” Ramsundar stressed.She explained that one minute after the vinegar is applied, the patient would get their result. “She (patient) would know if everything is good or if she has precancerous cells. Once she is ok, she can still come and do routine follow-ups. If she has precancerous cells,Lance McCullers Astros Jersey, then we will treat her and she has to come to do follow-ups.”Once a person is sexually active for five years or more then she is vulnerable of having precancerous lesions.There are currently 13 sites across Guyana that offers VIA screening. In Region Four,Cheap NFL Jerseys, there are GPHC, South Road Clinic, St. Joseph’s Mercy and the Davis Memorial Hospitals. In Region Two,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, patients can access VIA testing at the Charity and Suddie Hospitals.The Mabaruma Hospital, in Region One also offers VIA testing and in Region Five, the Mahaicony Hospital. Residents in Region Ten can access VIA testing at the Linden and Wismar Hospital,Ian Kinsler Tigers Jersey, while Region Six residents can visit the Skeldon Hospital.Women can also get screened at the Bartica Hospital in Region Seven and Lethem Hospital in Region Nine.Apart from the clinics,Florida Marlins Jerseys, Ramsundar stressed that there are a number of medical outreach programmes being offered at various parts of the country to benefit women.Guyana has one of the highest rates of cervical cancer.

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