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發表於 2017-8-21 12:28:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After receiving the news of her eldest son being sentenced to life imprisonment by Justice Franklyn Holder, Dularie Sookdeo, whose son, Devanand Sookdeo, was murdered by his  older brother, Jainte Lall, 34, in  2007, said that a piece of her has been lost too.The aggrieved, single-parent mother, who was given a last opportunity to visit her son, Jainte on the morning of June 11, before police took him to begin serving his sentence at Camp Street,Antonio Garcia Patriots Jersey, said that her son kissed her and told her “Mommy one day I will come out, do not tek worries.”Forcing back tears, Dularie said that although some of her worries have ended –she no longer has to incur expenses to travel back and forth—something she has been doing for almost four years to attend to Jainte Lall’s court hearing,Alvin Kamara Jersey, at Anna Regina, the thought of living without her son and his family, hurts even more.Dularie explained that her life was and still is not an easy one. She knows how difficult it was to bring up her four children, single-handedly.She said that she lives on hand-outs and $5, 500 a month, which she receives as public assistance. She said that because of poverty, she became involved in numerous relationships to take care of her children.“I used to work for people,Jarrad Davis Lions Jersey, but due to my present situation, coupled with Hypertension; I am unable to work anymore.’Devenand, a labourer was killed on September 5, 2007, after he was stabbed several times to his neck and abdomen by his elder brother, Jainte Lall.Dularie is of the opinion that Jainte would have never killed his brother  Devenand, if there were not engaged in a heated argument, while being under the influence.Dularie, recalled that sad day when she lost Devenand. She said that she was not at home at the time.“That day my life was turned upside down.” Recollecting the incident which led to the horrifying ordeal, Dularie said that she was heading to her brother’s in Walton-Hall to peel coconuts to prepare a dish of cook up rice.Then she would have visited her daughter, Seema,Jordan Zimmermann Tigers Jersey, in the same village. A youngster called her and said,  ‘Auntie wan boy a call you on the road.’Not sensing anything amiss, Dularie said that as she made her way home, she passed Jainte, who appeared to be normal, heading for his sister Seema‘s residence.At home, Dularie said that she was confronted by a large crowd. She saw her young son lying motionless with his intestines protruding and stab wounds to his neck.Dularie said that her son, Devenand, died before receiving medical attention. He died from internal bleeding.Although losing one son to death was terrible, the single parent said, having to daily travel was even worst, since many days she had to rely on donations and handouts from relatives and friends,Dustin Pedroia Red Sox Jersey, to attend Jainte’s court hearings.Dularie said that one of Jainte’s lawyers, Hemraj Rajkumar,O. J. Howard Womens Jersey, worked for free for almost one year, since she hadn’t money to afford a lawyer.A mixed jury of twelve jurors unanimously found Lall guilty for murder on Friday,Alex Bono Toronto Shirts, last. Lall this newspaper understands has converted to Christianity in prison. A move to appeal his case is an option, Dularie said.

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